Seeking Sanity – This woman makes me laugh – she is quite witty. And she has 3 boys too. Am I sensing a trend here?
i, wright – because I like to read what Nicki writes
Kami’s Klopchyk – Kami is like a bloggy BFF (she’s already gotten this award, but I want to give it to her too, so there!)
Borderline Bonkers – Anna is pals with Kami, need I say more? Seriously, she has a great blog – cute kids, crafts and photos!
Mommee and Her Boys – What can I say? This is probably one of the sweetest bloggers out there. She even started another Pay It Forward blog. I told you, she oozes sweetness.
And now for a little radomness (because I know that’s why this blog is SO “excellent” wink, wink). I had written on the subject of plastic bags and the possibility of them taking over the world a little while back. Today I found these online and although I already have a few from various grocery stores, I WILL be purchasing some of these. I need more and I might know a few people who need some too, so… Anyway, in the interest of saving the planet, just thought I would pass that little nugget on.
Thanks again Madame Reluctancy for the award!!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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