My 6 Month Sweetie

To my Katie-Boo, Tweety Bird, Sweet Sweet-

This morning your Daddy brought you to me in bed.

As we laid next to each other, face to face, you “talking” to me, I studied your baby face.

I kissed your sweet button nose and stared into your sweetest of sweet blue eyes.

I lightly touched your soft hair with my hand.

As I smiled at you while saying “I Love You,” you smiled back and I saw your two bottom teeth, poking through.

In this moment I said a little prayer that you would always know how much I love you and that I would always be able to remember these days with you.

Lately you are sitting up, playing with your toys and making friends pretty much anytime I take you out and about.

I can’t fully put into words my love for you.

You bring such joy to this family, even those silly brothers that love to kiss you “goodnight.”

And you’ve got Daddy wrapped around your finger, no doubt.

Happy six months my happy, precious, beautiful girl.

*In these photos (taken today) she’s wearing the outfit I bought for her the day we found out we were having a girl.


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