In the last few weeks I have listened to so much and read a lot and felt so much about Motherhood. Because of that and also because of the phase I am at in my life, the meaning behind the act of Motherhood seems to be taking on new life for me.
Recently I came to the epiphany that I do not want to force my children to celebrate me on Mother’s Day. I want them to want to. I also realized that this desire comes with age and maturity, on their part. Of course they love me and every little kiss and hug and “I love you SO MUCH, Mommy” is a celebration of the love and moments we share. Yes, a special day IS special but not if it is forced. How did I come to this realization you may ask? Because I remembered that I myself did not really care much about Mother’s Day and honoring my own mother until I was older. Did I care that much when I was 7 years old or ever 10? Nah.
But these days and ESPECIALLY now, that I have a much better scope of all she did for me and my brothers my appreciation is REAL and ten-fold.
How could it not be?
In the card I gave her in person on Sunday (it was so nice to SEE her and hug her on the actual day, it had been a while) I thanked her for loving me and for praying for me and my family and told her I am blessed to have her as my mother. Because I am.
She was there after all my babies were born…
Some people do not even have their mothers here with them anymore. Some people have super complicated relationships with their mothers. Some people miss their mother, even if she is not physically gone.
The other aspect of motherhood that I have recently realized even more than usual is the great band of us that are in this together. Listen To Your Mother broadened my motherhood horizons, so to speak, and after hearing 15 more very different and enlightening stories this past Saturday at the Austin show, I was truly blown away. Not only by the stories but just by the breadth of life experience we females get from “mothering”. There absolutely is nothing else like it.
Me and Jennifer with two of the LTYM Austin show producers: Leigh Ann & Kristin
And of course I also know this just from how many mothers I am friends with on the internet and in my life in general. Those of us who like to write blogs and put it all out there, share our stories that way but I also hear stories over dinner or drinks too, from my friends here in town or when we talk on the phone. Or even from a random Facebook post, asking for help in some way or just musing about some aspect of Motherhood.
Mothers are ALL around me in my life and I am so thankful to know so many and to be able to learn from them and even hopefully give support to some as well. When I became a mother I had no idea how much I would need other mothers as friends and supporters myself.
I am just amazed at all that we do. I am also astounded at all that we learn and become and how we evolve as the word “Mother” becomes part of our description of ourselves.
It it surely one of the most awesome roles I have ever taken on.
Me and my cutie-pies, Mother’s Day 2014
Remember those friends I talked about above? They write so wonderfully about Motherhood too. Here are just a few posts I have come across in the last several days that I want to share with you about Motherhood. (one is even from a Man! eek! )
From my friend Andrea: What Happened Here?
From my friend Alison: Dreaming of My Mother
From my friend Galit: 7 (Unintentional) Lessons I Learned From My Mother
From my friend Natalie: What Jerry Seinfeld Taught Me About Parenthood
From Dallas radio show host Gordon Keith: Shell of a former self
Also! is a great source for celebrating moms this month because of the great savings, deals and coupon codes. has a Mother’s Day SuperheroMom Giveaway this month where you can win amazing prizes like a $500 Visa gift card, a $500 Sephora gift card, a Vitamix and a Roomba! Go take the SuperheroMom Quiz to find out which superhero you are – I got Cat Woman. RAWR!
Here’s THE best part – Me and my #HappyMamas friends are offering a chance to win a $200 Amazon gift card from Now THAT is a deal!!
Yes, yes, to all of this, Elaine. Being a mother is one of the hardest, most rewarding, most gut wrenching, joyful roles I’ve ever had the privilege of landing.
Thank you for sharing my post. xo
Alison recently posted…Dreaming of My Mother
i was with my grandma and mom last mother’s day, and were happy together with my little kid.. being a mom is a fulltime job and i will do everyting for my son..
Love this, sweet friend. There is something to the stretch we all give each other just by sharing and listening, yes?
Happy Mother’s Day! I adore these these beautiful photos of beautiful you!
Galit Breen recently posted…6 Things Introverted Women Do Right
This mother’s day was the best one yet. One because of LTYM and being immersed in so many mother stories and two because I got to spend it with my mom and Cady. It was nice to take the day to just be with the three of us.
Jennifer recently posted…Happy Mama Moments – Superhero Mom
My kids are at an age where they WANT to tell me that they love me and appreciate me and make me happy. But it won’t last. Still, our job is to teach them as they grow why they should appreciate us. So I don’t mind telling them to appreciate me until they’re old enough to do it themselves.

Laura recently posted…Distraction
what a beautiful way to celebrate mothers every single day. Your pictures brought it all home to me, that our “village of moms” is one of the happiest things in my life, that sisterhood of the things that bonds us.
Hope you had a fantastic weekend. xo
Kir recently posted…I’m Listening {Happy Mother’s Day to my Incredible Mom}
I feel the very same way.

Beautifully written post, Elaine.
Kat recently posted…I Pray
Umm…best giveaway EVER!
I feel very similarly.
My mom superpower..hmm…LOVE!!
Tamara recently posted…Ten Things I Love About You.
You are so right about not appreciating our moms until we are older. It really takes going through life with your own, in order to fully appreciate all that our moms did on a daily basis.
I’m glad you had a great one

Debbie recently posted…Just A Few Projects……
It’s true…we’re surrounded by amazingly smart, capable, loving mothers. I’m so happy to have all of these awesome role models!
Greta @gfunkified recently posted…Even My Wipes Are Stylish Now, Yo.
It was so good to see you and Jennifer at the show. Thank you for supporting us.
My mom superpower is being freakishly in tune with when my kids are going to vomit. I didn’t ask for this super power. But alas, I must use it wisely.
Leigh Ann recently posted…communication. or something.
My superpower is being flexible.
Robbie recently posted…Fractured Friday Fifty
Being a mother really is amazing, isn’t it? I love that feeling of in-it-together that we feel when we share our stories, too.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Glory Days
My oldest is graduating high school. With 2 teenagers and 1 tween who are great kids. I’d say that’s a great accomplishment.
My superpower is growing people – 4 little ones
Love this! I am proud of the tribe I have created. I appreciate that my kids are kind, smart, helpful, and funny. They are totally the kind of friends I’d pick for myself. A big accomplishment. Erin
My superpower is being the only one able to actual look at the clock and keep us (reasonably) on time. Ellen
Ellen Williams recently posted…5 Reasons You Should Take a Break From Your Kids. Bye Mom Guilt!
Happy Mother’s Day! I am so grateful for all the moms I have in my life but especially my own, we don’t tend to appreciate all that our moms did until we are moms.
Julia recently posted…If It Makes You Happy