We live in the swamp. Okay, not the ACTUAL swamp, but you know what I mean. Although it was pretty dry here for the month of July and first part of August this year, typically that is not the case. Usually rain is abundant and plentiful most of the year. And the months of May through October (and even into the fall and winter months) are typically pretty bad for mosquitoes.
Yes, we have a screened in porch. Yes, we have spray to try and ward them off… but who likes to take ANOTHER shower to wash off bug spray, just because they want to spend some time outside? (answer: not me) And yes, these little buggars are EVEN inside the porch!
This is why I immediately said yes to trying out the Stinger mosquito repellant lantern! Because mosquitoes have MAD LOVE for S. Louisiana. Plus, it’s cute AND keeps the bugs away. The small, replace-able repellent pad is made with DEET-free, all natural ingredients and has a pleasant lemongrass scent. It lasts up to 12 hours and covers a 15 x 15 area. I set it in the middle of my patio table and had no issues with mosquitoes at all. I love this thing, seriously. It also has a little light (hence the word lantern), so when it starts to get dark you can turn that on and it glows all cute, see?
Also, because of this product I am able to enjoy more (pest-free) time on my newly outfitted back porch, which is now more cozy and inviting than it used to be.
I know summer time is waning but if you deal with mosquitoes at all, you are going to want one (or two or three) of these. And for only $12.99 (most cans of repellent cost around $10 or more) you can get protection from the pesky pests for a great price. And the batteries are included!
Lucky for you, I am giving one away! Enter below and enjoy a mosquito-free life! (although you may want to get some for your friends too, in order to make that truly true…)
Now… who wants to come enjoy a nice, cold beverage on the back porch with me?
This would be amazing to have. It is so beautiful too.