I don’t think I have mentioned it THAT much on here, but I do love Target. I guest posted at Steph’s place earlier in the week about how much The B Man likes it as well. And yes, we did go there today because I “needed” a few things and the $5 coupon was burning a whole in my pocket. Fine, I’m a junkie. Whatev.
So moving along… I found a rather “interesting” ad for my most favoritist store in one of my MANY magazines that I receive every month. However, this is in a special issue of Real Simple, called Real Simple Family. And this is my current fav mag so…this must be turning into a “few of my favorite things post.” If so I will just add Ghiradelli dark chocolate with toffee chips to the list. Sorry, I got distracted by another addiction.
Right inside the front cover I found this:
Now I know you probably cannot see this that well so let me explain my perplexion. (is that a word? ok. I just looked it up and it’s not but I am still going to use it…)
See sweet Mommy over there on the left hand side giving little miss a band aid and being all sweet like? Cute right? Well, look on the right page and see why she needed said band aid.
First, Mommy bought her the “moon shoes” and when she fell on her duff Missy needed Hello Kitty band aids, Neosporin and Popsicles to make her feel better. So you know what I am thinking here, right? Let’s just NOT buy the moon shoes and then we won’t need all of that other stuff.
You can thank me later for saving you so much money. : )
Elaine, you crack me up. Leave it up to you to put those four items together like that but it does make sense.
Can I have some of your wit?!?!
Very clever! And money-saving, too. tee hee!
That’s hilarious. My kids tried the Moon Shoes once. That was probably the sixth or seventh time they nearly died. Needless to say, they’re no longer a part of our fun-time repertoire.
So true, so true!
Hilarious, and True!
Great post!
That’s hysterical!!! A little Target humor at the expense of that cute little girl!
Ha, that’s funny!! Thanks for the tip!
I bought those hello kitty bandaids for my daughter, great for her to amuse herself on a car ride. She loves the “kitty” on the finger idea! Even if there is no boo boo! Great post and you gotta love “Tar shay”!
LOL – You are too funny today! I have not had a chance to look at the ad yet (came the day of your guest Target post). So glad that I am not the only one who would pick up on things like this
You are a wise, wise woman!
You. are. a. hoot.
Thanks for the tip.
“Moon shoes” were on my list today.
I will cross that right off!
If only people who would listen to you in the first place – sheesh!
note to self:
do not buy moon shoes.
got it.
ps – u r too funny!
HA! Great advice… I think about a million parents could use it!
Off to read your guest post…I am WAY behind on my blog reading!
So what’s your money saving tip when fallig on moon shoes is not the precurser to needing a bandaid? Those Hello Kitty bandaids are like crack. The kid seems to think she needs one on every scratch, every bump, real or imagined. Heck, she even says she needs them on birthmarks!
and they didnt think the public would catch on to their advertising ways. hehe good job. you must love those hidden picture games.
oh, that cracks me up… however, i should have bought stock in bandaid when i first had kirstyn cause the hello kitty ones are very popular around here! we even need them for bruises and pimples!
I don’t see any blood or tears. No crying, no blood, no bandaid. I’m just saying, we go through alot of bandaids around here. Let’s not waste them, right?
Super advice.
I think we also learned that moon shoes can be considered child abuse if they end up requiring neosporin and band aids.
I’m always looking for ways to save when I walk into Target. (I’m quite obsessed, too.) You’ve found a great solution.
Ha! That’s too funny
I love Target and Real Simple. The two just seem to go hand in hand 
Thank you for the money saving tip, Elaine!
I love Target. I love saving money. The worlds problems are now solved thanks to you.
Thank you! I was totally about to run out and buy moon shoes, but now that you’ve reminded me that I’ll need more Band-aids, I think I’ll just skip it. I feel I’ve spent quite enough on Band-aids this year, thank you very much.
You? Are a genius.
I guess I should take the moon shoes off of my Target list? Dang it, I was so looking forward to strapping them onto my daughter!
But, I guess that will leave me more money to burn at Target later!
Wow, that’s great advice Elaine! I’m going to use that for myself…
If I don’t buy the eyeshadow I won’t need the eyeliner, therefore eliminating the need for blush and a matching lip gloss.
You’re a genius!!
LOL! I had no idea what you were talking about before you explained

Great tip
hahaha your too funny!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that, great laugh, cheers!
Absolutely hilarious. And yet – the perfect evil genius marketing plan. Sell them crap, then sell them the crap antidote. You know, you should trademark the concept then sell it for millions. Guarantee WalMart will bite.
Thanks so much for the nice comment at my place – glad to meet you, Elaine!
That was good. What non-parent cam eup with moon shoes anyway? Really, what were they thinking?
ha ha ha ha ha omg, i am laughing so hard! That is great.
Lol! Great Idea! What good are moon shoes anyway!?
That’s funny!
My girls are klutzy so I will be sure to stay away from the Moon Shoes! Great tip…..I always love being thrifty
But then you’d miss out on that precious mother/daughter moment!
I can’t buy character bandaids anymore- they end up on the stuffed animals, and once on, you can’t get the off.
This is great! And the fact that you caught on to their little marketing ploy, even greater! I think I’ll hold off on the moon shoes for a bit and keep buying the clothes.
I LOVE target. I always look through their ads looking for things to buy. Now, I’ll spice it up by looking for things to not buy. Fun post!
No moon shoes for us!
My daughter uses band-aids like they are stickers…we have those same Hello Kitty band-aids. Only 20 to a box and their like $2.25. Those are some expensive stickers.