My parents’ visit was good. For the most part we took it pretty easy.
On Thursday The B Man had a swim lesson and we all swam together after. He’s doing really well and I’m so proud of his new underwater abilities. And even Little G LOVES to swim and is so cute in his little floatie that he loves.
On Friday we “tooled” around town for a bit and visited the beautiful Cathedral downtown.
Then we picked Tim up for lunch and later had yummy pizza for dinner that night.
Saturday we visited the Tabasco plant at Avery Island, LA.
Although I don’t use the condiment myself, it was pretty cool to see the factory that makes 700,000 bottles of pepper sauce a day. One little factory, 30 minutes from us. Kinda crazy, huh?
There are also some beautiful gardens there that we drove through and the boys had fun seeing alligators and chillin’ in the front seat with Daddy and Grandpa while we drove 5 mph.
Since we had willing babysitters in town, Tim and I did get to go to dinner and a movie together on Saturday, although he’s been sickly.
And then yesterday? They left.
I knew they had to and I was sad to see them go.
I’ll be honest. It was kind of a rough day. Tim has only gotten worse and spent most of the day in bed with a low grade fever. My children threw tantrums over who got to close the refrigerator door (SERIOUSLY?????) and the fact that I tried to get their milk for them (okay, that was just the 2 yr old, but still.) And me, well I’m just kind of a tired, hormonal mess. It was a real party here, lemme tell ya.
We didn’t make our usual trip to the grocery store yesterday so there wasn’t too much to eat around here and we had to make do with whatever we could find. I hate that. For some reason I feel so much better when there are plethora of food choices. I’m not the only one like that, right?
As I sat in the movie the other night, my baby girl was moving like crazy in my belly. I started to think about how close she is to being here, like OUT IN THE WORLD HERE. And I got overwhelmed. In the middle of a Harry Potter movie.
THREE kids???
Oh sh*t.
Yep, that’s what I thought. And it’s not that I would ever change it or regret it or any of that. It’s just that I’m a wee bit scared of it when it’s actually going to happen. That’s all.
And I’m ready (but still not completely even though I say so) for The B Man to start school so that we can all get into that routine and he can be occupied and start learning and making friends here. Honestly, we both need that.
As far as Little G goes, he’s more quintessentially TWO than his older brother ever was and it’s driving me a little wacko. Let’s just say I know why God made him so cute.
I love my boys to bits (all three of them) but that doesn’t mean we don’t have days or times that I could do without. It’s called life. Here they are in all their goodness and looking at them warms my heart, no matter what.
This week is busy, school starts, we get to see baby girl again (on a sonogram) and various other things. Stay tuned…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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