Categories: Motherhoodwriting

Monday Morning

I lift my tired and groggy body out of the bed. Yesterday I ran 4 miles. And I stayed up too late again last night.

One child came in to snuggle a bit ago but now he’s gone.  So where is he?

I see the clock says 7:11! I must get up NOW and wake up the 2nd grader. He’s probably still tired too.

I find him wrapped in my favorite t.v. watching blanket and laying on the couch. I remember we picked out his uniform clothes for school last night, so at least there is that.

I hurry and pop his and his brother’s frozen breakfast in the toaster. God bless one that holds 4 slices! At the same time, pulling multiple items out of the fridge to make lunches. All three kids off to school today.

Scoot, scoot out the door! A kiss for daddy, the morning chauffeur.

The toddler is still in bed, sequestered by the bars on the crib that keep her there. We should probably make it into the toddler bed for her soon and take off the front. But the that means she really isn’t a baby anymore.

I make my coffee and then breakfast for us girls.  “Egg in a hole”, with jam on the “hole”.

I go to get her and she’s awake, playing with her babies and animals. From behind her pacifier she says, “Hi Mommy!” I pick her up and press my nose into her sweet smelling hair.

We eat together while her brother plays trains in the background.

I inhale the scent and warmth of my coffee but in the back of my mind I know we are running late.

I rush to get us all dressed and out the door. K’s backpack stuffed with diapers, her lunch and her blankie. I drop them off and rush home to shower.

I have an eye doctor appointment and need to go to the grocery store…


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