So, I am in Austin and if you are reading this that means the auto-posty thingy did it’s job just right. Yay!
Here are some random thoughts for a Monday. Take ’em or leave ’em (I suggest you take ’em, but that’s just me…)
*How come you can never find a tissue when you need one? You know when your one-year-old has a snot capsule (aka booger) the size of Texas on his nose while your nusing him and it ends up on you. And the tissues are well, in the other room. Yuck.
* Why do kids always get candy at the end of any kind of school program/year/educational function? I mean quit with the tootsie rolls already people! Can’t the teachers just give stickers and pencils and other junk we don’t need but cannot consume? (yes, at the end of VBS there was a plastic baggie with candy…) Here’s a little video from VBS for your viewing pleasure. The B Man is front and center in the dark green shirt and Thomas sunglasses on his head. He would not wear the separately purchased t-shirt that all the other kids in this frame are sporting. My son is not a conformist, I can tell you that.
* Nuby sippy cups claim to be “no spill” but if that is true I am a monkey’s uncle (and I am not, by the way).
* Hagen Daas ice cream is good. Especially the chocolate. Not sure how I would know this. ahem.
* Can a 13-month old have popcorn? I guess so since mine did on Friday.
* Leaving the freezer door to the extra fridge in the garage slightly ajar in 98 degree heat is not a good idea and it is NOT good for the taste of the thawed and then refrozen chicken nuggets that the household’s 4-year old now says “taste funny.” Just FYI… (p.s. I didn’t leave the door open, the hus did).
* I’ve joined a photography group from this blog, so that I can learn how to use my camera more effectively. Our first assignment is to read the manual to our camera. Someone shoot me (no pun intended). But I will do it for the love of all that is picturesque.
* When the child’s prizes for being good come in a 3-pack and you are only giving one at a time, don’t forget to hide the other 2. Just speakin’ from experience here.
Hope everyone who reads this is havin’ a great Monday. It’s possible people – think positive!
What an adorable video!
Hope you’re having a BLAST on vacation!!
I DO NOT LIKE IT when my son’s teacher gives out candy as a treat. Something about that seems wrong. But she does give out little prizes too, so I guess it isn’t so bad.
A lot of schools are telling teaching that they may not reward children with food. I know that the last school I taught at did this, and my son’s is the same. I have no issues with this – there are other way to reward children.
Enjoy your vacation and BTW I completely agree with your assessment with Nuby sippy cups. We used them with our oldest son and I started with them for the little guy now. He knew just how to make a huge mess making it leak all over the place. We quickly switched to Playtex insulated sippy’s.
That candy thing drives me INSANE. Everyone, everyone is giving my kids candy. It is not that I don’t let them, but why can’t I be the good guy once in awhile? I’ll tell you why because my kids are already full of candy. UGH! Oh, and while I am at it…candy is not a “snack”. Yes. I have said it. Snack implies some sort of food value. Alrighty, I feel a bit better getting that all off my chest!
I am going to check in to that photography thing. That sounds good, but maybe I can skip that first step? Or someone could line us up and shoot us together?
I agree about the sippy cups. Those are NOT spill proof.
ALL sippy cups claim to be spill proof, but I’ve yet to find one that lives up to that.
I personally kinda like it that B Man does his own thing. I think he did it just so that it’d be easy for you to point out which one he is to all your bloggy friends. ;o)
Hey, your pics came today! Lemme know what you’re back in town, and we’ll plan to meet!
Good girl! I promise reading that manual will pay off in the end!
LOL I have so done the three pack thing. I think is was a senior moment thing going on!
Ok, my kid takes those Nuby cups and “flicks” the nippley part so that milk splatters everywhere within a 5 foot radius. It’s charming.
Oh – and if kids are going to get candy, shouldn’t it be better candy than a Tootsie Roll? Those things look like turds. And they don’t taste good – though the fruit Tootsies are worse.
Guilty. Candy. Totally guilty. But, I swear, trying to hand out bags of carrots and celery sticks just didn’t work.
The Nuby. Yeah, right. J scoffs at the “no leak” claim. Downright SCOFFS.
i was the latch key teacher that gave out pencils and stickers as rewards instead of candy…. hey, maybe that is why the kids liked to do the other teachers’ activities better. hmmmm.
and oh yeah, those cups. i hate those.
Oh I swear everywhere we go, someone is throwing candy at my kids–even after swim lessons today, the kids got dum-dums; ugh! I wish they gave out something else; if we got a nice shiny quarter (pretend you hear an old woman voice), we’d have enough for a new pair of shoes, every week
Nubbys always leak. I am almost completely SIGG here–it leaks less and is easier to clean
I hear you on the candy but I go as far as to say NO STUFF AT ALL, please. At Halloween, Easter, Valentine’s etc kids bring a bag of crap for each kid in the class which translates to 16 bags of crap for my kid.
Enough crap already!
I have got to figure out the auto post thingy!
Oh Elaine! You are too funny!
I agree about the tissue and snot. I always end up with a booger on my boob. Yeck!
Oh Elaine! You are too funny!
I agree about the tissue and snot. I always end up with a booger on my boob. Yeck!
I’m with you on the candy thing. WHY? I end up bringing it work. It doesn’t make me very popular, but my at least my kids’ aren’t bouncing off the walls on sugar.
I must be the only one who didn’t have trouble with my Nuby cups (well with the exception of when the silicone spout wasn’t properly inserted.) I also don’t have problems with my Avent sippy cups. So I’m a freak of nature – what can I say?
We’ll be starting VBS soon, wonder how much candy is involved?
Ooooooh…hate the candy as prize. Especially since my guys are allergic to food dyes. Drives me nuts.
Hope your having fun here in Austin. And it isn’t as insanely hot as it was last week. Lucky you!
I hope you are having an amazing vacation!
And I have never yet met a ‘spill-proof’ sippy cup that my littles could not make spill. Of course when faced with a particularly good sippy cup, they overcame that by spitting milk. ugh.
They could also open any ‘child-proof’ cap and then consume the contents of said container. Poison control is my friend.
Hoping your vacation is going well!
Can I just tell you I so agree about the Nuby cups. My kids always bite the ends, and those darn things leak all over the place.
I think I have thrown them all out. I couldn’t stand it anymore!