It’s morning.
Sun comes in through the kitchen windows
Right in my eyes
Sink full of the dishes I didn’t do last night
Make lunches for school
Peanut butter, whole grain bread
No jam.
Absolutely NO jam
Juice box or water
Strawberries or grapes
Goldfish or carrot sticks
Coffee, scrambled eggs, waffles from the freezer
Maple Syrup
To the gym
Run a few miles
morning errands
whatever else
Toddler naps
Pre-schooler watches Sid the Science Kid
Looney Tunes
A lot
Legos, puzzles, coloring, Candyland.
Oh good gravy, Candyland
I fold laundry
Put laundry away
Check Facebook
Clean dishes, load dishwasher
Wipe counter
Sweep floor
Read some blogs
Sip my now cold coffee
Quick lunch
School pick up time
Everybody shoes
Do you want to walk to get brother
Shoes then
Quickly play Words With Friends while we wait to get out of car
only 15 point play
oh well
walk with littles to get big brother
walk back to car with friends
Afternoon snack
granola bar, raisins, apple slices, milk, water
Boys watch Tom & Jerry
after outside
Riding bikes, trikes, 4-wheeler
sidewalk chalk
blow bubbles
charm the neighbors
Sometimes I capture them with my camera
meat, veggies
dessert too
Daddy home
kids happy
Mommy too
reading for oldest
Homework too
More playing for littles
Clean smelling kids are the best
books, prayers
Laptop in lap
tv on
Lights lower
Check facebook
talk to hubs
work stuff, funny stuff, what kids did today stuff
post on blog
read some blogs
Love it! Perfect poem for a perfect day, huh!
Oh my goodness! This was a cute post. Sounds like my days, minus the going to the gym.
Great poem. Kinda sounds like my day.
You talk to your husband? Sometimes I forget to do that.
meh, I get an occasional IM from the next room.
Love it, a perfect rainy day reading
yep – life is busy!
Dear Lord, Candyland sucks. I will play ANYTHING but that!
I can’t stand Candyland. Congratulations on your feature day at Momma Made It Look Easy.
I saw your tweet yesterday, so the Candyland reference made me smile.
That was a great poem! I loved reading about your day in that way.
Loves this post! I love how you have it laid out and written!
I loved this so much, I stumbled it! Fantastic!!
I miss days like this…tie to quit my job
That could be my weekend schedule…during the week it’s like 90% of that, combined with work.
It’s exhausting and fun at the same time.