Y’all know I love to go to conferences. It is there that I get to see my friends and sleep with them and eat yummy food and learn things. Things I did not even necessarily know I wanted to learn.
When I won a scholarship ticket to Mom Com in Austin I was so thrilled to know that I would get to hang out with some of my favorite friends and in my hometown.
Of course I did not know that the weekend of the conference I would be driving through THIS just to get there:
(yes, I took a photo, I was going 30 miles per hour and I did it really quick!)
And that my kids would be back at home building THIS:
This is “George” the Super Small Snowman. That’s a baby carrot and chocolate chips, oh yes!
What I also did not know about Mom Com is that it is not just about blogging or for bloggers. It’s about women and moms in general, those who work, those who do not, those who are entrepreneurs, those who want to better themselves.
I came away with some really amazing stuff from this conference that only spanned 24 hours for me. No, not swag, I’m talking about internal stuff, like thoughts and a new out look on this or that.
I was able to hear inspiring and true and beautiful words from several women, including Glennon Melton from Momastery.
I was also introduced to Marci Fair who is a mom like me but also works outside of the home and wrote a book based on some pretty awesome life principles and ideas and well, pretty much made me love her as a person.
And of course, as noted above I got to see some great friends and meet new ones, which is always one of my favorite parts of a conference!
Kristin, Candy & Jennifer
I just love how in the top left of this picture we are noted as “MODEL S”.
Anna and Heather
Jennifer, Leigh Ann, Kristin, Anna and moi
Thank you SO much to Howdy Honda and Mom Com Life for the scholarship ticket and for the great opportunity to attend! I really had a great time and honestly wish it could have lasted just a bit longer…
p.s. special thanks to Jennifer for talking me off the ledge as I drove to get to her house.
Special thanks to your parents for letting me crash at their house.
And I LOVE that photo of all of us. It makes me so happy.
Jennifer recently posted…Motherhood Dreams
The lighting in that photo of Leigh Ann and I is pretty awesome too. That Michael Kors does it right.
Jennifer recently posted…Motherhood Dreams
Leigh Ann recently posted…finding a good after school routine
So glad you had fun.
Nancy Collins recently posted…There’s This Boy I Know Who’s Having A Birthday
It was good to meet you! Hope the trip home was much less stressful.
Nicole recently posted…Weekday Events for Austin Families: January 27-31, 2014
Love these pictures!!!
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…Five Favorite Soup Recipes To Celebrate National Soup Month #askwisestkid
It was so great to see you! Glad you could make the trip to Austin despite the weather trying to foil your plans!
Sarah recently posted…Let’s Read
Very cool about the scholarship ticket!!! I need to decide on a conference for this year! I am stuck on that George picture – that is just the cutest little snowman!!
Michelle recently posted…Money Saving Tips for College: How to Save on Textbook Costs
Love this, sister! Looks like an amazing time had by absolutely all!
(And you’re all so GORGEOUS!!)
Galit Breen recently posted…Love shown
ONe day when I grow up and have a real paying job, I will go to one

Kimberly recently posted…Please Be My Voice
I haven’t been to a blogging conference in SO long and this made me want to sign up for one ASAP. Glad you had so much fun. xo
Tonya recently posted…Be Here
Looks like so much fun!
Julia recently posted…11 Facts and Questions
Cutest snowman ever!!
Kristin Shaw recently posted…Brave: what can you do with one arm?
I just love seeing pictures of all you all together. Sigggghh. Get me to a conference too. I’m glad it was such a good time Elaine.
sarah reinhart recently posted…Simple Joy week 4: bringing back the sexy
Love the photos! I would totally want to meet all of those women! And you for that matter! That’s always the best part of conferences for me!
Ilene recently posted…You Gotta Be: Ask Away Friday with Tamara Camera Blog
What great photos! I never take enough photos at these things, and I am horrible about asking people to take photos of me with people. It was so fun, and I’m glad you came and got home safely!
Leigh Ann recently posted…finding a good after school routine
Ahh, a life dream of mine!
And seeing you with Kristin made me a little giddy.
Tamara recently posted…The Happiest Place On Earth.
Awesome post Elaine! It was great to meet you! Glad you had a great time at MomCom 2014.
It looks like such an awesome time! So glad you got to go and that you enjoyed it!
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…The Men of Downton Abbey
Jealous you got to meet some of my favorite people!
Alison recently posted…#AskAwayFriday: Tamara Camera Blog