Categories: KidsPetsThe B Man

Missing: Small Greyish-Brown Puppy…

… that answers to the name “Wuffy.”

First let me start by saying: We don’t have any “real” pets. The B Man would LOVE to have a pet. In the past he has mentioned anything from a mouse to a guinea pig to a dog. He wants one – any”one.”. But me and the hubs’ mantra: No dog (we are dog people) until we are done with diapers.

So instead of “real” dogs The B Man currently has a VAST collection of stuffed “puppies.” His favorite is usually whichever one was most recently given to him.

And on Christmas morning he was delighted to see a new puppy that Santa had put in his stocking. Even after ALL the present unwrapping was done and Santa gifts exposed (including a large Little Tykes kitchen) what remained his FAVORITE gift from Christmas? The new puppy that he decided to name “Wuffy.”

So fast forward to New Year’s Eve morning when Wuffy came along on our breakfast and zoo excursion, nestled sweetly in the car seat beside The B Man. Against our better judgement we let The B Man bring him into the restaurant. And well as most of you can probably guess where this is going… he didn’t make it back out to the car with us.

As we vacated our booth in the restaurant, The B Man was somewhat distracted by the fact that we had mentioned going to the zoo and so were Tim and I as we gathered the diaper bag and our other belongings. Wuffy, well he stayed quiet and was left somewhere around where we dined.

This fact was not discovered until we made our way back to the car after a wonderful trip to the zoo. The B Man asked me, “Mommy, do you think Wuffy is in the car?” I think at that point he had an idea that he had left him behind. And soon, so did I.

After realizing that he was probably left at the restaurant (and LOTS & LOTS of tears), we made TWO trips back and Tim talked to all hostesses, waitresses and bus boys to no avail. All we can figure is that someone who dined after us helped themselves to The B Man’s puppy. And that’s the part that breaks my heart. I mean really. Don’t you know some kid is probably missing that stuffed animal and that you should turn it in? Come on People!

So here’s your public service announcement for today. If you find a stuffed animal that a child has lost somewhere in a public place, please take it to the front desk or lost and found or something. Cause you know what? My kid really misses his Wuffy right now…

(The B Man and Wuffy in happier times)
P.S. Happy Birthday to “My New Year’s Baby” Dad today – he was born January 1, 1933. I love you Daddy! : )


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