Saturday morning both boys had their first soccer game of the season. And it was G’s very first soccer game (although it might also be his last -I’ll explain in a bit…)
First, pictures of happier times…
Little G was MOST excited to put on his uniform for the first time, except he’s not really a fan of the shin guards.
The B Man insisted that he had to have his mouth on his water bottle like he was taking a drink, in the photo, because “Mom, that’s cool!” Ohhhh kay.
Unfortunately the boys’ games were basically at the same time. G’s started at 10:15 ad B’s at 10:30. I took G to his field and let the coach’s wife know that I had to take B over to another field for his game. I trekked over there (it was a bit of a hike) with K in tow, as well as an “Elmo” backpack with “Sammy” and “Tammy” (I’ll explain that too…).
I was sweating by the time I got back to G’s field and his game had already started.
Pretty soon after that Tim showed up (he had been at work) and after watching G’s game with me and K for a bit, he decided to go watch some of B’s game.
In the meantime G was doing fine. See evidence below.
BUT then. All the sudden he was walking off the field toward me, crying. In the middle of play.
He was bawling and saying he was tired of getting kicked.
I wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about other than a bunch of 4 year-olds were all kicking at ONE little ball and perhaps he’d gotten kicked by eager little sportsman too many times.
His coach tried putting him back out on the field but it was no use. He was DONE.
I learned after the game that there was one little boy on the other team PURPOSELY kicking kids. Yeah. That. And apparently the other coach did not do anything about it. I mean I get it, they are only 4 but NOW is the time to teach them the do’s and especially the DON’Ts.
Anyway, after accepting his Gatorade and cookie post-game-snack he STILL told me he does not want to play anymore “at all”.
I was and am disheartened. He just started and he shows a lot of promise in that he’s a great kicker.
But I’m not giving up yet.
We took him on over to watch the end of B’s game with us but he was just ready to go home.
B’s team won and we missed the best part of his game (since Tim came back over to help me with K once G had his meltdown).
B scored his very first goal. And we BOTH missed it. His coach said he played his best game yet, over all.
I’m so proud of him but sad I missed it.
So… it was kind of an emotional soccer morning.
But… we still had THE cutest cheerleader along with us…
AND G did bring his buddies, Sammy and Tammy to watch his game.
He got to bring them home for the weekend from school for being a friend to everyone and for listening. We’ll be sorry to see them go tomorrow… they’ve been SO well behaved and QUIET.
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Aw, poor kiddo! I can’t believe the coach didn’t do anything about that vicious child-kicker. Did you lodge a complaint?
Maybe he’ll change his mind and play again next week?
I know all about sports drama. Ugh. Did you know it’s all just starting? Who knew?!
Also? GF, your photos are dazzling. Seriously.
Poor kiddo!! We discovered at TBall this past spring that 4 year olds playing sports cry – and say they want to quit – but when brought back to the same field will happily run back out with all their friends and try (and possibly cry) all over agian!! I know I shared my thoughts with you on Twitter, the only other thing I’ll add is don’t bring it up with him again this week until its time to go next weekend, that way he isn’t stressing about it or thinking about it all week.
I hope you are able to get him out there again. I bet he will learn to love it!!
Now….what to link up….
Um…..WHEN did your boys get so big??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
That’s such a hard age; at my kids’ age I’d tell him to suck it up, but not at 4! That kid’s coach definitely dropped the ball on that one.
I hope he’s able to go back at it and have fun again!
Your kids are so cute!
wow they start pretty young don’t they? sorry his experience wasn’t all it should have been. he looked so cute too!
I hope you can convince him to give it another try.
Aw, bummer about the soccer! Cute pics, though.
Thanks for the opp to linkup, Elaine!
This brings back memories. When my daughter was 4, we had to bribe her with donuts after every practice. She was afraid of getting kicked too. Wish I had some words of wisdom, but I don’t. Maybe this would be a good year to have your little boy watch big brother and get excited about having his turn again next year.
Thanks for the opportunity to leave a link! This is my first time… just getting started with blogging and looking for ways to reach people who might like my blog. So thanks!
My little one is just 10 months, so we aren’t in the sports stage yet. It will be interesting to see how that goes though. Her dad is pretty into sports and pretty competitive, while I was raised in a sports vacuum. I am active and want my kids to be also, but I know it will be a balancing act to keep it fun!
Alice Callahan @ ScienceofMom
That’s a shame it didn’t go well. I hope it works out in the end! Love that his “friends” came along. A good friend and listener knows better than to kick others!
Oh, you do get my soccer angst, don’t you!!!
For my boys’ first game, it was at the exact same time. This week, at different times… but I’m learning that it’s hard either way!
Oh, that’s too bad! I hope he has a change of heart. Maybe he’ll like it more if he takes a break and tries again next season.
And I can totally relate to missing the goal. It is impossible for us to be at every game for every kid, so we have to miss stuff. It is hard.
I hate when kids aren’t behaving on the field and parents and coaches turn the other cheek. Argh!! Great linky!
I’ll have to remember this next week!
Poor little guy! And where was this kickers parents? If I had seen my kid acting that way, I would have pulled him myself.
I hope next weekend goes better!!
LOVE the pictures! I have an 8 year old who insists on having a water bottle in his mouth while in his soccer uniform getting his picture taken…what is up with that?
very good
very perfect
that’s good information
What a nasty, nasty kid to be kicking like that!!!! I’d probably want to kick him myself. In fact, I DO want to kick him myself. And his coach.
Aww. I really hope he decided to play again.
I’m with you when you say that now is the time to teach them right from wrong.