I haven’t officially signed up for it yet.
My brain isn’t even truly psyched for it. Yet.
I’ve told myself I’m going to go for it. I’ve started training for a half marathon.
*swallows hard*
There are a few conditions, however.
First of all (and perhaps the MOST important) I have problems with my right ankle/heel. I believe it’s my Achilles tendon, from what I’ve read and when I feel the right side, it is always a tad swollen. It “nags” at me while I run and sometimes a sharp pain will go down the back of my ankle to my heel, just while walking around the house. NOT good.
So, I’m going to see someone Monday morning. A sports medicine guy. Who is supposedly pretty easy on the eyes, per my girlfriend who referred me. She’s a good friend like that.
Anyway, let’s hope things aren’t THAT bad. I mean I can still run 95% of the time but I know things aren’t right and I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t train to run 13 miles without figuring out how to fix it, you know?
Secondly, it’s THIRTEEN MILES.
Yeah, that’s only like 4 times as much as I usually run lately. I haven’t been training for anything in a while and it’s been SO humid (even the air inside the gym!) that it’s been hard to breathe while running, honestly.
I do have a schedule that starts out fairly slow and I’ve already done week one. Plus, the schedule has a 10K race during week 9 and that’s exactly when the local 10K happens. How cool is that?
It’s meant to be, right? I hope so.
I just cannot seem to wrap my brain around it yet. Part of me wants to do this just so I can say I did it. Running is sort of like my own personal climbing of Mount Everest… You know, something I NEVER, EVER thought I could do. And now, here I am with several 5Ks and two 10Ks under my belt and a half marathon on the horizon (hopefully).
So, as usual, it’s BOTH the physical AND the mental that I have to get right before I can get there.
I truly hope I can…in both respects.
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I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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