I haven’t officially signed up for it yet.
My brain isn’t even truly psyched for it. Yet.
I’ve told myself I’m going to go for it. I’ve started training for a half marathon.
*swallows hard*
There are a few conditions, however.
First of all (and perhaps the MOST important) I have problems with my right ankle/heel. I believe it’s my Achilles tendon, from what I’ve read and when I feel the right side, it is always a tad swollen. It “nags” at me while I run and sometimes a sharp pain will go down the back of my ankle to my heel, just while walking around the house. NOT good.
So, I’m going to see someone Monday morning. A sports medicine guy. Who is supposedly pretty easy on the eyes, per my girlfriend who referred me. She’s a good friend like that.
Anyway, let’s hope things aren’t THAT bad. I mean I can still run 95% of the time but I know things aren’t right and I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t train to run 13 miles without figuring out how to fix it, you know?
Secondly, it’s THIRTEEN MILES.
Yeah, that’s only like 4 times as much as I usually run lately. I haven’t been training for anything in a while and it’s been SO humid (even the air inside the gym!) that it’s been hard to breathe while running, honestly.
I do have a schedule that starts out fairly slow and I’ve already done week one. Plus, the schedule has a 10K race during week 9 and that’s exactly when the local 10K happens. How cool is that?
It’s meant to be, right? I hope so.
I just cannot seem to wrap my brain around it yet. Part of me wants to do this just so I can say I did it. Running is sort of like my own personal climbing of Mount Everest… You know, something I NEVER, EVER thought I could do. And now, here I am with several 5Ks and two 10Ks under my belt and a half marathon on the horizon (hopefully).
So, as usual, it’s BOTH the physical AND the mental that I have to get right before I can get there.
I truly hope I can…in both respects.
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I think it’s an awesome race to train for (I’m running my 4th in October & even convinced my hubs to do it this time!) I hope that your hot sports doctor says you’re good to go!
Maybe in honor of your decision I will link up an old running post, just for fun
Way to go! I’m nervous to go from a 5k to a 5 mile!
I’m linking up a post about loss and hope.
Girlfriend? You are SO going to rock this thing-I’m excited to follow your progress and root for you!!
So much love to you! XO
Awesome! I’ve run 3 half marathons and I thought I’d NEVER be able to. I started off training for a 10k and thought I was going to die. It might sound crazy, but a half is actually a really nice distance.
Good luck! And have fun
Good luck!! You can do it! I am not a runner… I mostly like to go running if I am mad- luckily I don’t run that often
You are going to take this Marathon by storm…I just know it!!
Oh I hope Hot Sports Medicine Guy gives you the go-ahead to train for this! I wanted to do a half but with the move it kinda got lost in the shuffle.
Would love to do this when we move back home (can’t really run here).
That is a wonderful goal, Elaine. Good luck!
You can certainly do this if cute sports med guy gives you the green light. So many times I get wrapped up in the time I want to finish, but just finishing is a huge accomplishment. When I think about the longest time I have to finish, I know I can at least WALK in that I tend to feel better. Oh, and now maybe we can run a half together!
If I can train for a full marathon, you can most certainly train for and complete a half marathon. I have all faith in you! I really hope your doc gives you the OK-GO sign!
Whoa! That’s pretty kick ass! You are hard core, girl!
I’m impressed! I can’t even imagine running that far!
that’s awesome!!! i hope you get a good report from the sports med guy today!
What a great goal! Hope your appointment goes well!
Good luck with the half marathon! I’m trying to work my way up to a 10k but I’m not sure I can do it. I’m such a slooooooow runner and typically 3 miles is all I can get this old body to do.
You can totally do this! I believe in you.
You totally can do it! I mean, it is a long way, but you can do it! Seriously.
You can do it! You will rock it! I hope to run with you someday, just not this winter. I look forward to following your training.
That is AWESOME!!!! Good for you! I have been meaning to sign up for one myself. You may just have pushed me to do it.
Running is all mental to me. The last few weeks my runs have been awful. I just couldn’t figure out why 5-6 miles used to be no problem and now all of a sudden I can barely eek out 3. I realized I just have been feeling down lately and my attitude was actually transferring over to my runs too. Once I retrained my head my runs got better. So crazy how that works sometimes.
Glad you are getting that heel looked at. Just to be safe. Also, there are exercises you can do to strengthen your achilles too. Look them up online. They help!
Good luck!
Yeah for a 1/2!!! It is seriously one of my favorite distances (says the girl that has a 1/2 in three weeks but has not run more than 4 miles in the last two months). Fingers crossed for you on the Achilles!
You are a little crazy..but you can do it!
I must be crazy three times over. Let’s rock n roll baby- we can do it!!!!