Miss Elaine-ous Monday at it’s best…

I did a little shopping for BlogHer this weekend.  I admit I have a bit of an addiction to clothes and shoes.  But since I added some new items to my wardrobe I also bagged up some older never worn really things to take to the local resale shop.  It’s a process.  I still have certain things in my closet that I cannot seem to part with, even though I have not worn them in a while.  I always think in my head, “I really like this, surely I will want to wear it again sometime…”  Of course just typing that makes me think I should go back to my closet and get a few more things to get rid of…  How are you about clothes?  Do you clean out your closet pretty often?  Do you like to shop too much like me?

Speaking of BlogHer, I’m getting pretty jazzed.  I have my outfits all planned out (maybe I’ll share a preview next week) and I think this is the most excited I’ve been before-hand, for several reasons.  First of all, I’m completely excited about my roommates who are Jennifer, Erin and Tracy.  I mean, WHO WOULDN’T BE?!?!  And of course the fact that it’s in New York City alone is pretty crazy awesome. PLUS.  On Wednesday night we are going to see Chicago on Broadway.  Hello bucket list, checking you off! And on Thursday Jennifer and I are going to THIS.  Yeah, see, it’s going to be 4 days of major amazing. Plus I didn’t even mention all the other people I’m going to get to hug and hang out with.  Yeah…
I cannot BELIEVE Summer is already winding down.  I bought school supplies and uniform clothes on Friday for my boys.  And my second child starts Kindergarten in about 3 weeks.  That’s THREE people. In other words, no time at all.  Plus I just found a bathing suit I totally forgot I bought for K at T.J. Maxx back in the Spring and now she only has a few weeks (times) left to wear it. I feel so silly. Guess we know what bathing suit she’s going to be wearing to every trip to the pool until Summer is over!

I haven’t used my “real” camera all week.  And I think it’s feeling kinda lonely. But it’s either hot and/or humid outside or raining and well, I’m not really a fan of taking pictures of hauling my kids around in the van or them playing “Where’s My Perry?” (don’t ask) on my iPad or watching Phineas and Ferb so yeah, there’s our week and that’s why I did not use my camera at all.  More evidence as to why I love Instagram, I guess.

In related news I have an outdoor photo-shoot this Saturday.  Please pray that none of us dies of drowning in our own sweat.  

P.S. Pretty Butterfly!!
(taken a few weeks ago…)
So, what random stuff is up with you?

Am I going to see YOU at BlogHer? (please say yes)

Oh and link up for Miss Elaine-ous Monday – it’s so easy!!

ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new! 🙂
Do you have a post that meant a lot to you but wasn’t read by as many folks as you’d hoped? Or one that has great pictures and you want more people to see them? Or do you just have one that you really want to share!?

I’ll also choose a random post from those who link up to feature on The Miss Elaine-ous Life Facebook page (please “Like” if you have not already) so even more folks will see a new post every week! Grab the button and link up!  And please visit some of the other linkers as well…

If you do not post the button, please still link back to my blog, even if you just put a little blurb at the end of you post such as “It’s Monday and I’m being “Miss Elaine-ous” over at The Miss Elaine-ous Life!” – Thanks!! Oh and extra bonus points to anyone who puts a tweet out there, that would be awesome too!

Thanks for linking up!

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