So the new counter, sink and faucet (forgot to mention that last one yesterday) look great. I can’t wait until they do the backsplash tomorrow. I mean the dream of making over this kitchen has gone on a long time my friends.
Tim also re-painted his office today so after moving everything out of there and a lot of stuff out of the kitchen, it kind of feels like my whole house is in disarray. Can I just say that I hate that? Having things out of place? I mean it really bugs me. I kind of feel like Monica from “Friends” when it comes to stuff like that (remember how A.R. she was?). I mean, don’t worry, I will probably be able to sleep tonight but not without some twitching, because of the fact that SO MANY things are just NOT in their proper place. Wierd, I know…
Anyway, onward…
I was tagged by KC for a little meme about some random things about me. It’s just three this time. S0, here goes…
The rules are:
1. Post three random things about yourself.
2. In your post, link to the person who tagged you.
3. Tag at least five other bloggers. Let them know you’ve tagged them by commenting on their blog with an invite to participate
1. I never seem to have postage when I need it. I don’t mail a lot of stuff anymore because we pay our bills on line and of course letter writing has gone the way of the Dodo (what a shame…) but I do have the occasional piece of snail mail to send. Can you still buy stamps at the grocery store? Maybe that’s what I need to do. Does anyone else have this problem?
2. I REALLY want to go to the Czech Republic. My ancestry is Czech and my mother has distant relatives there and she and my father have visited twice. I would love to travel to several places in Europe but right now Prague would probably be tops on my list.
3. I have worn the same pair of earrings for several years now. Yes, I have taken them off at times to wear others and to clean them but the diamond studs that Tim gave me for our 2nd anniversary (total suprise!!) have graced my ears pretty much ever since.
There you go, some randomness for you.
I tag these folks:
Natalie, Jen, Bren, Laskigal & Stacy.
Have fun!
Oh and Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry wrote a great post yesterday about commenting. Check it out. The moral of her story? Don’t lurk, comment – it’s how us bloggers get paid! Now go read the whole thing and don’t forget to comment!
P.S. My next post is my 200th!! Is that crazy or what?
As always, Elaine, I love your blog and I look forward to each and every one of them. I don’t blog myself, but I do have my kitties on–I guess it’s like an animal blog! Good luck with your kitchen–I had mine done about 6 years ago, and having the refrigerator in my hallway wasn’t any fun. I totally sympathize with you. But it will be sooooo worth it. Have a great day! Love, Ann
Hope your house gets back to normal soon. I hate the feeling that a home in disarry gives me too!
Have a great day!
Dropped in via your designer. Love your blog so far and plan to visit again. Drop by some time : )
Pretty template and love the play on words.
I am with you on hating a house where things aren’t in their place! I am redoing my room and moving furniture around and things have just not been all together in there for a couple days and I am going crazy!
I have also worn the same earrings for the last few years. My gold chain and cross, I’ve had on for about 12 years. I rarely take it off.
Ok, now that I’m tagged I need to think of something random. Hmm….
Love they random things you come up with about yourself. It is a great way to get to know you. Oh, and I visited that post about comments. Sorry, I am one of those non-commenters but I promise to try and do better.
I’m impressed you are still counting posts. I lost count a while ago. I always try to comment. It’s the nice thing to do. I’d also love to visit Prague, but I’m hearing it’s so trendy now it’s getting expensive.
I’ve been to Prague – RUN don’t walk to your travel agent’s office and go! I’m not sure when they’re going to the Euro (maybe they already have) but if they’re still on the crown, it’s cheap! Really!
Oh, and don’t drink the water . . . but the beer is better and cheaper than the water. So drink that instead!
I heard Prague is just incredible.
I know what you mean about postage–I have a stack of thank you notes waiting to be mailed out, just waiting for stamps….
I would love to go to Prague. I hear it is amazing!
200 posts? Wow!
Congrats on 200! I have the same pair of favorite earrings that I overwear myself, so I totally get that!
Go to Prague – your blog would love it!
Hi Elaine
I wouldn’t be letting diamond studs leave my ears either. What a beautiful gift from your husband.
Hopefully, not too long now until you can find new homes for all of your stuff in your newly renovated kitchen. Just think of the order that will then prevail!!
Warmest wishes
YAY! We redid our kitchen a few years ago and I can’t tell you how happy I was the first time I cooked in it when it was ALL done.
You will be over the moon. And the Monica thing? I know it well
I too have the same pair of diamond studs I got from Jay the year Jack was 6 months old. I barely ever take them out.
Funny you mention this postage stamp, thing. I just ran into this the other day, and then it took me a week to actually go get the stamp. bah! Just need to get rid of snail mail all together, I think.
Ditto on #1! But yes, you can buy stamps at the grocery store. My sister has been to Prague on a college trip! Earrings, well, I don’t wear any most of the time.
Hope your house is back in order soon!
Awesome post! I also have a tiny bit of OCD and A.R.ness in me! What can I say?
I agree all people should comment!! We do this for us, but I LOVE to hear what others think! It is our adult conversation during the day!
I’m adding you to my reader if that is ok??
I want to see a pic of those earrings!
I’ll incorporate this into my 100 Things About Me post . . .