I spent quite a lot of time away from my family this weekend.
No, I didn’t go anywhere besides some places here in town, but for most of Saturday and some time on Sunday, I was away from Tim and the kids.
On Saturday I used my “spa day” gift certificate that Tim gave me for my birthday back in March.
Facial, massage, lunch, pedicure, manicure, hair shampoo & style and make-up application. It was a good day. I met some really nice ladies who took care of and pampered me. It was lovely and much needed.
That evening we went out with some friends from Tim’s work so the baby-sitter put my kids to bed.
On Sunday I wasn’t feeling so well (may or may not have been related to my evening out. Ahem.) and then that afternoon I went to see Eat, Pray, Love with my mom friends and then out to dinner while we discussed the book and movie.
It was a full weekend of me doing things without them.
I know it’s not that big of a deal, but for some reason I came home last night feeling guilty. I felt like I made Tim (who works SO hard during the week) do my primary “job” all weekend too. And don’t get me wrong, he was AWESOME about it. He even cleaned and did laundry and kept the kitchen clean the whole weekend. And he absolutely has nothing to do with making me feel “guilty”.
Except maybe in just doing all those things. I think I partly felt (still feel?) that way because I felt like he already had enough to do just taking care of the kids (including a teething baby!) that he didn’t need to do all that extra stuff.
Do I appreciate it? Of course I do. And I try not to take if for granted. I told him a million times over how much I thankful and blessed I am to have him as my partner.
And I missed him and my kids this weekend. It’s like I was so close, yet so far away.
Today is Monday and the first full week of school for The B Man.
My MIL arrives today for a visit and Tim has a full week of work ahead of him, including a short business trip.
I plan to spend a lot of time with my kids and as much as I can with my husband and enjoy my MIL while she’s here.
I know I need time to myself, we all do. But I think maybe it needs to be spread out a little more next time.
I don’t like the feeling of missing my family when I’m just right here.
It’s important that you take that time for you too. Try to not feel guilty. I’m a much better mom and person in general when I find a little me time too.
Elaine! No guilt! Because in 2 weeks you’ll be missing that free time. Well, I would. And seriously, don’t ever feel guilty for having Tim do things that you normally do. You said so yourself that he is going out of town. Do you do more when he’s gone? Yes. They are his kids too. Balance, girl. Balance. Do I miss my kids when I’m away for a decent amount of time? Yes. But I still enjoy the time.
Elaine I just had this conversation on Sat with a friend…she told me to NOT feel guilty as this is what we need to rejuvenate…time away from everyone..in our own city. The hubby’s are more then able to do our jobs..plus we never get a break during our work week!!!
I put Cole in camp all week..talk about guilt!!!
Ugh! I KNOW!!!! I guilt myself the same way. Even if it just going out to get my haircut or going for a jog. It is ridiculous.
It’s not like you treat yourself EVERY time the hubby is home. Case in point, you had the spa certificate since March and are just using it now. Go easy on yourself. You need a break. As my hubby always says, “Happy Wife, Happy Life”. I may have to remind him of that soon so that I can use my spa certificate he got me from April.
Glad you were able to get away and relax for a while!
Honey, I hear you. And I think you wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t feel this way.
I feel it every time I go do something by myself or even go to work.
Love ya.
I could have written this post. Many times. I have to remind myself (or others do) that I’m a better mom when I take time for me. It’s tough, but try not to feel guilty. You deserve a break.
Good for you for taking some time for yourself – it is important to feel whole and refreshed sometimes. Don’t feel too guilty!!
You absolutely deserve time to yourself!!! Zero guilt!