Messy Independence

Little G has always been an independent eater. When he was an infant I tried feeding him baby food with a spoon and that lasted maybe 2 weeks. Let’s just say I was tired of washing it off of and out of everything. Including my own hair.

So…. by 7 or 8 months I was just smashing and cutting food into small pieces and letting him go for it. And then everyone was cleaner and happier. (well I was clean, he was happy – whatever works).

To this day nothing has changed but the kid loves yogurt so even though he’s not very proficient with a spoon yet, I have no choice. “Feast” your eyes on this (take note of the copious amounts of yogurt on the bib).

P.S. Go over to Burgh Baby’s place for what she’s calling the Biggest One Day Contest EVER for chances to win some pretty cool prizes. She’s donating extra money for clicking around her blog to the Flight 93 Memorial Fund. How cool is she? Now go over there and do some clickin’! : )


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