Little G has always been an independent eater. When he was an infant I tried feeding him baby food with a spoon and that lasted maybe 2 weeks. Let’s just say I was tired of washing it off of and out of everything. Including my own hair.
So…. by 7 or 8 months I was just smashing and cutting food into small pieces and letting him go for it. And then everyone was cleaner and happier. (well I was clean, he was happy – whatever works).
To this day nothing has changed but the kid loves yogurt so even though he’s not very proficient with a spoon yet, I have no choice. “Feast” your eyes on this (take note of the copious amounts of yogurt on the bib).
P.S. Go over to Burgh Baby’s place for what she’s calling the Biggest One Day Contest EVER for chances to win some pretty cool prizes. She’s donating extra money for clicking around her blog to the Flight 93 Memorial Fund. How cool is she? Now go over there and do some clickin’! : )
Love it! But I’m glad I didn’t have to clean it up! That’s just about the kind of mess where you strip’em down and throw’em in the bathtub!
Great pictures!
Hey at least he is loving Yogurt!!
He is so cute Elaine. Just love this pics of him and half a container of yogurt!
Your G and my Kamden are so much alike. The blonde hair, the adorable cuteness, the messy eater bit. I probably have a picture of Kamden like this too…
I affectionately called him hurricane Kamden. At least the kitchen looked like one had been through…
My friend still brings up the time he was only about 6 months old and was eating a chicken nugget. I kid you not. I was watching him like a hawk for choking don’t worry. Oh and the time he was 3 months old and grabbed the straw to my milkshake and took a swig.
Dude likes food as much as his mom!
I just want to take a roll of Bounty paper towels and wrap that cute thing up. My baby is not using a spoon until he’s 5!
wow… the scary thing is… now I’m hungry!
think he’ll share?
What precious shots! Good for you for letting him get all messy!
So glad you got these great shots of him all cute and messy.
It will make a great page in his scrapbook!
Seriously Elaine…he is too cute!
The messier the better! Great shots! He is so adorable!
Could he be any cuter? I think not!
He is such a cutie! I love that blonde hair!
And the yogurt face? Isabella loves yogurt, too…except she still uses her hands…maybe he can work with her a little?
Definitely the independent type. While it makes the laundry a little more daunting, at least you can multi-task while the eating is occurring.
Wow, that’s a mess! Adorable but I think he looks like a yogurt explosion. hehe
What a cutie!!
WHAT a sweetie
That is adorable, but messy. And that’s ok! My boys were big on feeding themselves too, and there’s just nothing neat and tidy about yogurt and a spoon. My little girl is 8 months, and I’m still able to dash the food into her mouth in between swings of her fists.
I love the blond hair – he actually looks a little bit like my middle child. Little blondies are too cute
Those are ADORABLE! Caden was exactly the same way…Mr. Independent! So yeah, he makes lots of messes and I just deal with it! By the way…Little G reminds me so much of Caden when he was that age!
He is so adorable! Yogurt and all.
You just got yourself a bunch of extra chances to win!
Awe. Some.
I cannot imagine. What an adorable mess. Mr Independence is good at the self-feeding.
Rock on for the Burgh love. I’m so proud of what she’s doing. Love my fiancee something fierce.
can i hire little g to teach beans?
maybe the two of them together could master the spoon??
super cute!
Aw! He’s such a doll.
Thank heavens for bibs, though!
Those are adorable photos! I miss those days. Thanks for the contest link.
He is so cute! My son had such a hard time learning to use a spoon. I honestly think it has only been in the last few months that he has really gotten good at it.
You got some great shots of your messy eater. So sweet!!!!
Oh he eats like my Spanky; so caught up in the food , he doesn’t care.
I heard yogurt is good for the skin too
Looks like great fun for him but no fun for mommy. The good part…it frees you up to do something else!
Ha! Did he get ANY in the mouth?
He is just too cute for words.
That face! He is so adorable!