Categories: GiveawaysLinkingmeme

A Meme & A Giveaway (UPDATED)

I was tagged a week or so ago by my new friend (from the Ultimate Blog Party!) Scrapping Servant to do this book meme.

I also won a Pay It Forward giveaway from Boys Rule My Life and the new hurricane I received is now on display in my living room. YEAH! ***UPDATE – Don’t forget if you win this giveaway you are supposed to PAY IT FORWARD and give something away also – on your blog if you have one or to someone else in your life if you don’t – Please pass on the love!***

So, I am tying the two things together. I am giving you a passage from a book that I will also giveaway! And, I’m gonna throw in a $10 Starbucks gift card because that’s just the kind of girl I am. Plus reading and drinking a mocha go hand in hand, right? Literally! Oh, I do amuse myself…

Here’s the meme first.

Here are the rules:

  • Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
  • Open the book to page 123.
  • Find the 5th sentence.
  • Post the next 3 sentences.
  • Tag 5 people.

I chose this book because it’s awesome for moms and it was right on my nightstand and it’s from the Chicken Soup series. How could you go wrong?

My friend Jennifer gave me this book when I was pregnant with Little G. I guess she thought my life was about to get a little busier! And I LOVE this book. It has a ton of practical advice about how to run your household with kids and thus how to keep some of your sanity! One of the reviews on the back says, “A must-read for every busy mom wanting down-to-earth advice on the highest acclaimed profession in the world: Motherhood.”

So here’s by excerpt:

“Everything we did was a learning experience for my daughter – I think she learned her letters from trips to the supermarket where I pointed out everything that was at eye level. However our trips to the “Hippo Playground” at Riverside Park were my sanity savers – except when I was so frazzled getting out of the house that I forgot something important like diapers, juice, or wipes, or took so long getting myself toether, we didn’t get out of the house until late afternoon. It was after one of those days that I sat on my sofa and reflected on how much simpler my life used to be.”

Perfect, don’t cha think?

Okay, so if you wanna win this book and a $10 Starbucks card just leave me a comment about what you love about motherhood (I assume it will only be moms commenting, but if you are a dad or a pet owner only, leave a comment about that!) on this post and I will enter you. This is open to bloggers and non-bloggers who live in the US or Canada only. You can leave a comment every day if you want. The more you comment the more chances you have! Please, please make sure I have a way to contact you, whether through your email or blog profile. I will pick a winner via at the end of the day on Monday, March 31st.

By the way, my birthday is tomorrow and it’s rumored that my husband is going to do a “guest post” so come back and check that out – should be interesting!

Oh and then there’s the tagging (for the book meme that is)… I shall tag some of my newest bloggy friends!

Adventures of a Reluctant Housewife

Loving Every Minute

3 Little Monkeys…

Quirky is a Compliment

Mindless Chatter of a Busy Mom

Good luck to everyone (you know, whether you are meme-ing or commenting or both!)


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