Categories: Little Gmeme

A Meme & Departure

Steph at The Daily Grind tagged me for the “Crazy 8’s” Meme, so here goes!

Eight Things I Have a Passion For:

  1. Chocolate in pretty much any form.
  2. My family & friends
  3. Home decor
  4. Photographs/Scrapbooking/Memory making
  5. Music and Singing
  6. The ocean/beach
  7. Writing
  8. Humor

Eight Things I Would Like to do Before I Die:

  1. Travel to several places in Europe
  2. Live in a house with a bigger kitchen and bigger closets
  3. Publish an article in a magazine
  4. Wear a designer evening gown
  5. See my grandchildren grow up
  6. Perform in a large, professional choir again
  7. Celebrate my 50th anniversary with my husband (and 60th, and 70th…)
  8. Complete this long-a** meme! : )

Eight Things I Say A Lot:

  1. Seriously?
  2. Why is your brother crying?
  3. I love you.
  4. Timothy!!
  5. Amen.
  6. I’m blogging. (in response to “what are you doing?”)
  7. Are you kidding me?
  8. What’s for dessert?

Eight Books Magazines I Have Read Lately:
(I don’t read that many books…)

  1. Parents
  2. Real Simple
  3. Vogue
  4. Health
  5. Better Homes & Gardens
  6. People
  7. My Big Backyard (kids mag)
  8. Catholic Digest

Eight Movies I Have Seen Eight Times:

  1. Big
  2. Shawshank Redemption
  3. Return to Me
  4. Good Will Hunting
  5. Pretty Woman
  6. Titanic
  7. Steel Magnolias
  8. The Jerk

Eight People I Invite to do this Meme: (these are the first 8 people who commented on my last post.)

  1. Becky
  2. Lisa
  3. The Angel Forever
  4. Brittany
  5. Krystyn
  6. Tranny Head
  7. iheartchocolate (me too, by the way)
  8. Misty

Whew! That was a long one, but fun!

In other news… the boys and I are heading to Austin tomorrow to hang out for a few days with family and do some fun summer stuff while Tim hits “Sin City” for a little down time with some of his co-workers.

If I get to it, tomorrow I may set up an auto-post for Monday (since the internet at my folks house is still back in the dark ages…) but if not I will “see” y’all middle of next week. I will miss you dearly oh internet friends!

I leave you with this… : )


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