Meeting Bloggers is so Much Fun!

This afternoon I traveled across the swollen Mississippi to meet up with my friend Katy as well as a few new blogging friends in Baton Rouge.  We met at a local restaurant and had a great time chatting and getting to know each other better.  And I was so happy to see Katy again before she has her babies (yes, babieS) and is super busy with lots of diaper changes. 😉
Because I am such a social person I really do enjoy getting together with other bloggers and I ALWAYS learn something too!  Deb and Susan and I had fun talking about photography and their images are stunning.  I hope to take pictures like they do some day.
Plus, we had a couple of guys join us that blog about food and well, I LOVE food so I was ALL about that.  Really nice guys too.
All in all it was a great meet-up and of course I hope to see them all again sometime soon.

photo credit: our waitress Tiffany

from left to right: Susan, Deb, Jeremy, Jay, me, Katy
photo credit Deb – way to rock that natural light, huh?
Also, if you’re a blogger in Louisiana, check out the Louisiana Bloggers Network on Facebook

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