My good pal Supermommy @ Three Boys One Mommy decided it would be a good idea to peek into some of our medicine cabinets. (BTW, I KNOW we are good pals because we are friends on Facebook. So there.) After I was done blog-hopping, twittering and checking email the night after I saw her post, I went and looked into my own cabinet.
And I had the same face Macaulay Culkin had in Home Alone when he put the aftershave on. You remember the one.
2. You may clean, organize, dispose of the Preparation H if you’d like.
3. Write a post describing what’s in the cabinet. (favorite products, least favorite, expiration dates on old products)
4. Leave a link to said post in this comment form.
5. Tag some friends to play along if you’d like. (make sure they link back to this post)
{Please do not look TOO closely at this photo as there may or may not be some semi embarassing items in this cabinet. I did not touch it one bit before I took the picture.}
And now we have the after:
Very nice, now we can see what we got in there! However, from looking at the products that we “got” we seem to be around somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 years old. (Citrucel, Bengay, oh and you can’t see the tube of Fixodent stuff – the hubs has teeth issues, what can I say?)
Oh, and apparently we are big supporters of First Aid! We have bandaids to last us a lifetime – our minor cuts and bruises thank you, Costco.
And here’s the stuff that I use on the daily, which sits on the counter since I don’t have a nifty built-in cabinet by my sink like most of you ladies.
And now? I feel like I just did an advertisement for CVS.
I tag these four friends victims. Play if you want, if not no biggie. (there is incentive however, $25.00 to Sephora- but deadline is tomorrow, 1/30) And if you do, you gotta link back to Supermommy and this post! : )
1. Lisa
2. Brittany
3. Shannon
4. Krystyn
And remember my friends: Never judge a woman by her medicine cabinet…
So not doing this one! My medicine cabinet is embarrassing:P
Oh my! The deadline is tomorrow?! EEK! Ok…deep breath! I will do it tomorrow. lol
Where are OUR band aids? I should know something like that
Is that nasal spray I see? I’m addicted to it, seriously, I have a problem.
Ooh and I think the nice clean cabinet definitely deserves a prize. Proof that Supermommy was really trying to help her friends, as well as snoop through their stuff
Thanks for playing along, Lainey.
This is a neat meme… I am glad I read your post because I am motivated to clean out my medicine tubs now. Great clean up job!
What does it say about me if I comment that your “before” picture really doesn’t look all that bad? Ummm, I guess I’d better not day that. And I guess I should thank you for not tagging me!
I like that little white shelf thingy you have in there. Good organizing job BTW and you were brave to show before and afters. Most people probably would have just shown after and claimed it was before… you know what I mean? Wink, wink and all that.
And, I’ve got my pictures…so I’ll work on it.
Although, I don’t have a cabinet, either.
Thanks for choosing me, lol. I actually might do ok b/c I keep the cabinet in my bathroom pretty neat (I’m anal like that!). I’ve had sick kids this week so I could totally use a fun post.
p.s. NICE clean up job, dude
p.s. I love Aveeno too!!!
I wish I had more space. Well probably not, because then I would just have more stuff
Gotta say…LOVE BED HEAD products!
Have a great day!
Thanks for visiting! How very fun that your MIL is named Barrie. About medicine cabinets: I used to have a BFF Medicine Cabinet friend. We’d go to Costco every September and split the packages of tylenol, ibuprofen, etc. That way, we’d be set for the winter with brand new stuff. I’m so sorry she moved away, because now my medicine cabinet is a mess and full of expired meds!
WHOOT! Your cabinet cleans up nice
Yay! It looks good!
I did my medicine cabinet for a Tackle it Tuesday a few months ago. It’s still is looking fairly organized.
What’s that Bed Head stuff? We might be needing some of that in our house.
What’s that Bed Head stuff? We might be needing some of that in our house.
Thanks for cleaning up for us, you’re so sweet!
p.s. I can see the “embarrassing” stuff
hee hee
I use that bedhead spray, too. Finally, someone with lots of “stuff in their medicine cabinet. :P)
What a cute little idea! Your cabinent looks great!
I have a little something for you on my blog!
Controlling my Chaos wanted me to ask you about the Bed Head stuff.
Girl, I need YOU to come clean MINE. It’s a mess, I suck.
There is something waiting for you over at my blog.
I don’t have a medicine cabinet either! So my sink area is cluttered with dailies like deodorant, hairspray, etc. :o)
i love before and after tidy cupboard shots! thanks for the blogby. you sure have a lot of blogs on your ‘roll’!!! how do you get around them all!
Not that I ever follow-through with tags, but….I’m SO GLAD you didn’t tag me on this one…you should see my closet…we have an entire closet filled with C-R-A-P that needs organizing…I’m totally procrastinating…