The rain has stopped but the puddles in the driveway call her name. She loves to jump and splash in them, just as any little girl should. She learned her technique from her older brothers.
After I put on her “rain coat” she dashes out of the house to see her playground of water and her begging eyes look up at me as I find her boots.
“I splash?” Sometimes the answer is no. But today, she is free to do what she wants.
After we get her boots on she spots my umbrella, that was purchased many years ago. Many moons before I even knew that God would make me a Mama to a girl. There was a time when I never thought it would be true.
She delights in opening it and holding it over her head. I remark that it matches with her boots and she squeals a little as she twirls and runs and lands in the water. I do not even care that her new dress is getting wet since her smile and joy cancel it all out.
As do mine.
I have a GIRL.
Dresses wash, let them be little. I love that she thought it was awesome that her boots matched her umbrella. Girls can be so much fun.
This made me smile. Such joy is a miraculous thing, isn’t it?
I love how they take joy in the little things. And her faces are awesome.
Happy you both got to enjoy your rainy day.
Every girl needs some animal print. xo
Your writing is always so full of expression and detail!! Faces rock!
She’s adorable! I loved splashing in puddles! I can’t wait till my guy is old enough to splash in puddles!
Visiting from EO!
Love this. They find joy in such little things. I wish that they never grow out of that.
Such a sweet post, sweet girl, and sweet Mama. Love the rain boots and umbrella.
She’s full of joy!
I confess, I have a pair of 4 inch heels in the same print and I love, love, love them.
How wonderful that the umbrella matches the boots! Glad y’all had time for the puddles. Joy is so catching!
Do you not want to eat her up every waking moment? The cuteness is filled with adorable
This chokes me up. I so get this.
So sweet.
She is adorable and reminds me of my little one with her outfit choices.
Aw, I love this. She is so stinking CUTE.
I’ve made a promise to myself not to care if my sons clothes get wet or messy in the name of fun. Love the boots.
Oh I love that. So much. I love how it was yours and now it is hers and so perfectly matches.
Girls are SO much fun. Especially if you aren’t going to using the matching leopard-print boots and umbrella yourself.
She is seriously so sweet! Love the boots especially.
So stinking cute. We need to have some puddle splashing fun around here!
Oh that sweet time together – is so very perfect, isn’t it?
(love this, friend!)