I don’t like to lie.
I’ve done it, I ain’t no saint.
But the truth always comes out so why lie?
At least this is what I say.
So I’m not going to sugar coat these photos from our little jaunt to our local farmer’s market last weekend. There are some cute ones and my kids WERE cute at first but I tell y’all what – humidity does things to people. It makes them mad. And upset. And mean. And sweaty.
Not me of course…
(okay fine, me too)
The boys went back and forth and back and forth about wanting a popsicle or a pie from their favorite stands. I started to bead sweat as they contemplated their decision (you get only one, I said!). K immediately chose a watermelon popsicle and I ate the rest of it when she didn’t want to (this is the norm, and why I rarely get an extra one for myself).
These guys play awesome Cajun music
pastries and flowers – two of my favorite things in one great place!
There are cute kids everywhere. This one is not mine so even cuter. 😉
We were a cute little family of 4 (Daddy still out of town… is it Sunday yet!?!?!?)
Until the 30 minute mark. Then we started to melt down, literally.
The boys chose pie. Ben apple, Gav cherry.
I handed the lady the customary $6. (for two tiny pies). Supporting local businesses in kinda expensive, yo.
I thought I might want to buy some produce too but all I saw was an abundance of tomatoes (there were other things too but the meltdown was beginning and we have enough tomatoes at our house already and OMG, the humidity!)
Also, face paint? In this weather? No thanks. (well, really no thanks ever for me, but YKWIM)
So I passed. (on the produce and the face paint)
We found the swing under the trees and that lasted a few minutes.
Sharing is SO hard!!
We were making memories here people!
Ah parenting, so fun.
Solo parenting, not so fun.
At least not after 4 days.
I do love our local Saturday Farmer’s market at the old horse farm, that we could almost walk to, if we wanted (hard to get over the coulee…)
I’m just not a big fan of humidity.
(and neither are my little kinfolk)
Y’all come visit. I’ll take you to the awesome farmer’s market!
In October or November.
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