Lunch Love & Fun

I thought I would go straight to the source so I asked B the other day, “What could I do to make your lunch more fun?”

His response:  “How about if you put THREE cookies in my lunch instead of two?!?!”


So apparently fun shaped sandwiches and happy little notes aren’t really his thing but MORE cookies are! Good to know.

(p.s. not happening)

In other lunch news, did you know that strawberries look kinda like hearts?

I am also all about putting the “love” in their lunch so here is K’s lunch from Wednesday.  Sweet, right?

Oh and totally FUN too.  I bet it absolutely made her want to eat ALL her food too.  Because all 2 almost 3 year olds eat ALL their fun food!

(or not)

I also have some notes from Lunchbox Love that I include in B’s lunch since he is the only reader so far.

They are “fun” because they have encouraging words on one side and a fun little fact on the other.

Did YOU know that butterflies taste with their feet?

Yeah, me neither.  Well not until I read the notes anyway.

Check ’em out.
(p.s. you could also make your own notes, like I did above with K’s lunch)

I’m just trying to say you do not have to go to great lengths to make it fun, just put a little love in packing your kiddos’ lunches and it will be fun for them.

At least I hope so.

Please go check out the other FUN lunch ideas from my cohorts in Beyond Bologna!

Sharon has a pretty cute snack recipe…

Angie has an adorable sandwich idea!

And Dumb Mom made my mouth water with her yummy idea and I love what she put in her son’s lunch! 🙂

Also, see my previous lunch posts with homemade granola bar and apple sauce recipes. 🙂


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