God giveth the oil and Got taketh it away.
Ha, that may be the weirdest first line in a blog post ever. Well, at least one of my posts anyway…
Let me explain…
I find it ironic that back when I was 15 I was using all kinds of products to take the oil OFF of my face. Then, a few weeks ago I read in a magazine, how once we are in our 40’s we should start putting oil back ON our faces (us women, that is, nothing about men doing that, by the way…). You’ll never guess what happened next. I went and bought some face oil. Apparently I am a marketers dream. Although I am still having a bit of trouble actually applying said oil onto my face after all these years of opposite thinking, this old skin is dry and drastically needs it – especially in the winter. So, I put that little dropper with the lovely scented oil mixture right up to my face, generously apply and rub it in. I keep expecting zits to pop up all over my visage (they have not). I also keep expecting to hear this slurping noise, as my skin takes in the much needed moisture. Thankfully that has not happened either…
People often say to me “you haven’t changed a bit!” or “you don’t look a day over 30”! (yes, I am taking that as a compliment). While I love those compliments and typically thank them I am also like, “For realz?”
(you can tell I am old because I just used “for realz”)
Anyway, my 41st birthday is looming, right over that horizon over there… see? Just. Right. There (it’s in less than two weeks). And, as a woman who is on the cusp of a divorce I waffle between, “OH my Gawd, I cannot look old, I need to find a new husband someday!!” and “Aw screw it – like it or leave it.”
I attribute part of my younger looking self to Instagram filters since many people only see me on social media.
However, some do see me in real life under low lighting.
I had a friend ask me at my 20-year high school reunion, “Where are your wrinkles?” They’ve come since then darling, that was almost 3 years ago but I will still love you forever for asking.
And then there’s the gray hair. Although I attribute that to my current life situation and the fact that I am now going eight or so weeks between hair appointments (due to recent budget cuts)(no pun intended).
On the opposite side of things, my oldest child likes to call me “old” (he’s out of the will). But of course I am old to him, he’s eleven and has his whole life ahead of him minus eleven years! The funny part (for me, not him) is that he is just about to enter the “how did all this oil get on my face?!?!” stage. Poor kid. He has no idea. Makes me think of that episode of The Wonder Years when Kevin had a big ole pimple and he was about to meet a new girl and he does everything he can to try and get rid of it and just makes it look really shiny. Then (spoiler alert) she walks in with a mammoth zit too. So classic. Welcome to the land of oil and clogged pores, my dears!
I just wonder, why does our skin have to be an issue all of our lives? Maybe because it’s our largest organ.
I have always had pretty good skin, admittedly but I’m still gonna add the oil, partly just because it smells really good (and the magazine said I should). Next time though, I am going to make my own. I found out I could just add my fave essential oil to some coconut oil and mix a little almond oil in too and be good to go. Cheaper too. (budget cuts continue).
In truth, I cannot complain. Laugh lines are just that and worry lines are part of the package because well… (no secret here) sometimes I worry. I figure they are marks of a life well lived. And last I checked Instagram filters are only getting better so I should be good for a while longer.
Oh I love that episode of The Wonder Years, actually I love them all. And you really do have great skin.
Julia recently posted…No, We Don’t Trap Leprechauns at Our House
You do look awesome!
Ugh, the oil! I’m one of those people that still doesn’t seem to have clear skin even in her 30s. Now it’s just mixed in with lots of freckles and the beginnings of crows feet. Maybe I should take a look at making my own oil mixture. Seriously, though, I’ve always thought you look beautiful. Even if it’s because of an Instagram filter!
Leslie recently posted…Easy DIY Felt Easter Egg Activity for Kids
Your skin is GORGEOUS and they are all right- you have NO wrinkles or worry lines!!
What kind of face oil did you use? I don’t have any essential oils- so can I just grab the bottle of olive oil in my cabinet? lol
(I would totally expect zits to pop up like popcorn on a sizzling pan of oil…)
Christine, I added a link to the oil to the post but it is Boots Botanics Organic Face Oil. I got it at Target.
Hey gorgeous …. you look tres fab!
First, your neck and throat and decolletage (yes, I’m 47!) look fabulous. So smooth and not at all like mine that looks a little like ground beef.
But more importantly, YOU are fabulous. And I’m sure you already have a million people telling you that your next chapter is going to be better than you can imagine, but believe it.
Eyes wide open, head on straight, heart on your sleeve.
You’ve got this. And you’re gorgeous inside and out.
julie gardner recently posted…This Is Really Happening
Welcome to Club Old. Don’t forget to pay your dues.
Lol. Love the humor!
You’re gorgeous and don’t look a day over 29. Mwah.
Greta recently posted…We’re Doing Okay, Valentines Moms.
I love that “Marks of a life well lived.” meanwhile, you look VERY young in that photo!
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