This week marks our three year anniversary of moving to Louisiana.
Just the other day I was having memories of me and my pregnant belly driving down 49, with my two little boys and a hamster cage in the back of Tim’s Acura and my MIL in the passenger’s seat, helping to entertain us all.
I can hardly believe it has been that long but then sometimes it feels even longer. So much life has happened since then and we have changed a lot too, as a family. And right now there are no signs of us leaving here any time soon.
I had a phone conversation with a good girlfriend of mine from Texas one day last week. I haven’t seen her in months, we used to live two blocks from each other. I met her at the pre-school where the boys used to go, when Ben was only three and her daughter was two. We were both walking out with our baby boys in carriers and I asked her what her baby’s name was and she said, “Gavin” and I said, “Ha, that’s funny – so is mine!”
We soon discovered we lived close and because I was still working before Gavin was born, I didn’t even know another mother like me was right there. We became friends pretty quickly, both joined the Mom’s Club and helped each other out when we could, etc.
When we talked, she of course sounded just like herself and we made tentative plans to see each other when we are in Texas soon and we marveled at the fact that both of our Gavin’s will be in Kindergarten this fall.
Time passes without our permission and after talking to her, I started to think about all the things in her life I have missed out and she mine. It can be hard to stay in touch when you move away and life is so busy but I am doing my best and she is as well.
And of course I have wonderful friends here too, even one just a block away that means much the same to me that my friend in Texas still does. And someday, when we do leave here I will miss the heck out of her too, and all the women here that mean something to me.
I never moved as a kid so it’s very interesting to me to have friends in many different places. But like my Daddy said when we moved here, I’ll probably be like my Mom when they were going to and then leaving California (where I was born). After nine years there she was really sad to leave. And she cried when they got there and cried when they left. I’m sure that will be me as well.
But I’m not going to think about that right now…
Happy 3rd anniversary Louisiana, we’re glad to be here for now and you are lucky to have us.
Now, if you could just chill out a bit on the humidity that would be awesome.
Love, Elaine.
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I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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