1. It’s the first week in June and already bleepin’ HOT here in Texas. In the last couple of weeks I have done much perspiring or glistening, whichever lady-like term for sweatin’ you wanna use. I think we are really in for it this year.
2. Tim (see honey, it’s in print now!) and I made a committment to each other this week to eat healthier and try to get as much exercise as possible. I have already done something 2 days in a row and plan to join a local rec center so I can use their weight room and go to some exercise classes. I need motivation so send good and encouraging thoughts – PLEASE! My weight isn’t THAT bad, although it could be better, but I am especially flabby in some areas. : (
3. I am already going a little stir crazy now that The B Man is not going to his little school 2 days a week. It’s amazing the difference that 11 hours with only one child can make in your life. This is why he is going to “summer school” in July. Sanity people, it’s NOT overated.
4. Thanks for all the sweet comments about Little G’s hair. I was really proud of myself for not crying when they were cutting it. I really kind of wanted to. I know he still looks cute but… IT. WAS. HIS… BABY….. HAIR (gulp) WAAAAAAAAAH! (ok. I feel better now)
5. We cleaned out the garage last weekend and decided to just donate all the crap stuff instead of having a garage sale (see first item on list – too hot!). It really is amazing how much junk one family can acquire. I even cleaned out some toys. Who’s proud? Ok, you can sit down and stop clapping now, that’s enough, really.
6. I am really jonesin for some kind of vacation soon, although it probably won’t happen until August. I may have a hard time reading your blogs if you all start posting about your wonderful vacations to beautiful and exotic places, or even to the local water park. So, I’ll just look longingly out my window and try to forget that the nearest beach is like 500 miles away and pretend that I am out there, by the water getting a sunburn tan.
7. Little G continues to nurse but I am sort of getting anxious to cut him off. Any weaning tips are greatly appreciated. I know I cannot really force it and I don’t want to do that, I just would like to know that there is an end in sight and pretty soon. Does any of that make sense?
8. Anyone else watching “So You Think You Can Dance?” This is one of my weaknesses. I actually really like to watch the dancing.
9. I keep going on about Little G’s love of music but I also need to mention that The B Man has some inclination in that way as well. Although he doesn’t “get down” every time a son comes on, like his brother, he can hear a song only once or twice and remember the tune and most of the words. Just sayin’.
10. We are so thankful that Tim’s career is going well and because of that (and the fact that his car is pretty old and run-down) he bought a new car on Monday. It’s nice. While driving it to Tar-jay last night (by myself) I had a little bit of an out of body experience. Please don’t think I am “bragging” but this baby has all the bells and whistles. Let’s just say if you whistle, it may whistle back.
That’s all I got today. TGIF (tomorrow…)
yeah for joining a gym! go read my T13!
I watched SYTYCD last night for the first time and really liked it. and james liked all of the music!
oh and I agree, it is way too hot already! we need to clean out our garage! no garage sale for us either…again, way too hot!!!
A great way to get summer started. It is definitely bleeping hot here in Texas! Baby hair! That is so sweet. I love the photos in the previous post.
As for donating your stuff… my husband won’t even let me think about having a garage sale. It’s too much work and too hot, so he “makes” me donate my junk. It’s for a good cause, and it is a lot easier.
Hey I am looking for anyone who would like to do a weight loss contest with me to motivate me; lmk if you’re interested
Good choice on donating–garage sales are the worst; I hate bargaining about 25 cents!
Donation is the way to go! Much less work!
And I’m so envious of your warm Texas weather right now. We’re first warming up this week. I’m SO ready!
I never do garage sales, donating the crap, er I mean stuff is SO much easier. For the $200 bucks we might make is not worth all the work required.
good luck with the exercising! So much nicer to do it together.
and I cried at the haircuts, I hated it when we finally cut off their baby curls. They never came back, wah!
He looks pretty adorable though.
I love it when people do random thoughts!
I feel that is my brain all of the time!
Good Luck with exercising!! I know you will feel better after you do it, at least I always do, it is just the doing it that is hard. Possibly I should get off line now!
And hey, if it is hot in Texas, then possibly I should move there. I getting farely sick of the idea that it could rain and be 40 degrees or snow. Ugh!
Where is the perfect place on earth? Does it even exist??
I’m with you on needing a vacation. But, don’t worry, you won’t be seeing any vacation pictures on my blog. The only thing we can manage this summer is just doing family things during the day before Dan has to go to work.
…ahhhh….new cars are so much fun, aren’t they????
…and I love “So You Think You Can Dance” too!
The kids love it too
Yep. I’m jumping on the fitness bandwagon too. I was doing pretty good until this week for some reason. I’ll have to get back into it tomorrow.
Im joining you on the fitness front too!
My gosh, this post is packed full of juicy tidbits. Most importantly – YES, it’s stinkin’ hot.
As for nursing, I’d always planned to wean when N hit one…but then we reached that milestone and neither of us was ready after all. I didn’t think she’d ever willingly give it up. So we just worked it down to twice a day, and then one day around 15 months she just looked at me like I was crazy when I offered, and she never nursed again.
YAY for new cars! YAY for plans for healthy eating and exercise!
You gotta love a car that will whistle back at ya!
It is HOT here! Today it cooled off a bit and was really windy – it was weird, actually. Just seemed like a weird day. Supposed to rain here over the next couple of days – that would be a relief.
I keep telling the kids we need to start walking every morning – get some exercise together – we might start in the morning – we’ll see if I get up!
Have a good Friday – stay cool – see ya – Kellan
I enjoyed reading through this post about all of the happenings in your life.
Healthy eating and more exercise – way to go. Having your husband commit to this as well sounds like a great way to keep each other motivated.
August will be here before you know it and then it will be out turn to read all about your vacation.