Do you feel tired a lot of the time? Do you wonder what is the best way to get all those vitamins and minerals that are recommended for our healthy bodies? Do you want to be in a better mood around your kids and family?
I have a friend from junior high and high school that I recently re-connected with on Facebook. After chatting for a bit I discovered that she is very much in to fitness and health. So much so that she has based her livelihood around in the last few years.
- No Gluten
- No Caffeine
- No Preservatives
- No Artificial Dyes
- No Artificial Flavors
Not to mention, Life Shotz is chock full of the GOOD stuff!
You can also watch this short and informative video on the science behind Life Shotz.
I would recommend trying Life Shotz to anyone, especially busy Moms like me who are on the go most of the time (okay, let’s face it, all the time!). It’s possible that more energy, healthier skin and a better mood are in your future and who doesn’t want to try that, right?
I’m pretty sure that 3PM is the WORST time of day for me. I am exhausted and I always start wanting to snack too much (probably for more energy). This sounds like it might be great for me!
Sounds like something I need – I just started the 30 Day Shred this morning and I’m aching all over
Yeah, I’m with Greta. Right around 3 I reach for something. I’m all for anything that offers an immunity boost and natural energy. have to check out this product. Thanks!
I didn’t even need to read all of this (though I did) to know I’ll try it. I feel drained all day every day and having something that would help even that out without caffeine or other added crap? Deal.
Alison, the 30 day shred is killer!!
Life Shotz has been a game changer for me! I used to drag after lunch and had to take a power nap every day. No more! And my chocolate cravings disappeared! I love a company that stands behind the product with a 100% guarantee!!
Hmmm I think I could use this, it’s not even 3 and i’m already dragging.
I have been looking into “the perfect vitamin” for a while now. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no ONE vitamin and the two I take now are HUGE horse pills that I have to take three times a day. Sounds crazy. Maybe I’ll just give this a shot. Sounds fab! Thanks!
That’s awesome. Subtle changes are probably a good thing, actually!
Oh thanks so much for posting about this E! I think I need something like this!
{So. Tired!!}
That sounds wonderful. Energy. And wellness. Does it have artificial sweeteners?