Life seems to be going at warp speed right now.
And as I type this, crazy wonderful things are on the horizon, coming in the near future. But also daunting things. Things that I have never experienced before but knew I probably would someday. Yes, I’m still being somewhat cryptic but I have to be. But soon, very soon, it will all be out in the open.
Other things are not so good. I try my best to keep my blog full of the positive in my life so I will not go into details, but please just know that where my family is concerned, continued prayers are strongly appreciated and NEEDED. If you are the praying type, please just ask for healing and peace. And thank you… ever so much.
As the tide comes in and goes out, so does my baby baby grow in my belly and so does my current “baby” turn two. Both of them and their oldest brother are blessings in my life that I cannot thank God for enough, or so it seems……….
Little G had a good birthday on Friday (or at least he did from my perspective!) and a fun joint party at a local rec center with our friend James from our playgroup on Saturday. James is my friend Natalie’s little boy and he is just 9 days younger than Little G.
As an aside, it really is kinda hard for me to believe that my G is already two years old. I know I’ve probably said that like a hundred times in the last couple of weeks, but no one ever said I wasn’t repetative. Here are few highlights from the birthday festivities.
Celebrating with a mini-cake after dinner out with the family and Grandma and Grandpa on Friday.
Hangin’ ‘with James at the party (a.k.a put in the same chair together so Mommies could take pictures…)
Mommy and Daddy with the birthday boy! (p.s. party had a “sports” theme)
Devouring his own LARGE cupcake after eating all the icing first.
The party was a little crowded because we weren’t able to go outside for our planned nature walk since it rained ALL DAY Saturday. But we made do and the kiddos had cake and goodies so really, what more could they want?
AND! This Thursday is the BIG day for baby news! Part of me can’t believe I’m almost 20 weeks (half way there!) and part of me can’t wait any longer to find out. Yes, it’s time to belly up (couldn’t resist) and find out if this little one is going to wear pink, or all the same clothes that the big brothers did!
I’ve put a poll up on the left sidebar asking what you all think I may be having. Please take a sec to vote because I’m curious to see what most of you think. Here are just a few details to possibly help you with a more educated guess…
* I was REALLY sick at night in the first trimester (meaning nauseated and felt like it also heartburn at times).
* I’ve only thrown up once and that was at 18 weeks (weird, I know.) I NEVER threw up at all with the boys.
* Early on I craved fruity things, especially citrusy things like lemon and lime flavored stuff. Now it’s just sugar and then some sugar topped with a little more sugar. Oh and I went from gagging at the thought of chocolate in the first trimester, to wanting milk chocolate now (instead of my standard dark).
* I’ve gained 14 pounds so far and hearbeat has always been above 155 bpm.
* The Chinese Lunar calendar says it is a girl which was correct withThe B Man but wrong with Little G.
And here’s a 19 week belly pic for your viewing pleasure! : )
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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