Well, as you can see, I’ve changed the look of the blog again by choosing a simpler template and I quite like it with my daisy picture. I am still holding out hope to win this contest though! Keep your fingers crossed! I am working out a couple of kinks since chooing this new look, so forgive me if my sidebar looks a little messy.
I have been reading tips on how to make the blog better and a wise woman once said to “keep your design simple” in this post over at Musings of a Housewife. She’s got a pretty cool blog and quite a following (including me) so I have decided to take some of her advice to heart. Thanks dcrmom!
Also, I have a quick story from a trip to the grocery store. I ended up there yesterday with both boys, which I try to avoid but sometimes cannot. I usually go on a Tuesday morning with Little G only, while Ben is at school. So, all three of us were there in the late afternoon and my usual checker was not at her post, so I went through another line. I could tell this young lady was new because she had to look up all the vegetables, which MY checker does not have to do – she knows her veggies. She may even have the ones I buy memorized. She’s good I tell ya. But I digress…
New girl was eyeing my boys the whole time with a look of utter contempt – I suppose because Ben was doing his constant “singing” (I use that term lightly) and Little G started to get a little fussy while she was scanning the items. Of course I am thinking the whole time, “Well, if you knew your veggies, you would have been done 5 minutes faster.” Uhg! Anyway, she finally finished and I paid. Side note – the checkers at this store make a point of thanking you and using your last name from the print-out on your receipt. So, she attempted my last name, added “Have a nice evening,” glanced annoyingly at the boys, pursed her lips and in her best snarky voice also said “as nice as you can anyway…” WHA???
All I can say is that I hope the dear lord graces her womb with triplets someday and that every time she takes them to the grocery store by herself, by the time she ends up at the checker her hair is mess, she has mascara running down her face and her clothes are covered with snot and tears as they cry and scream and cause a complete scene. But if she is lucky, when she gets there she will have a more tolerant checker.
Anywho, you can bet your veggies I won’t be goin’ through her line again.
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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