Our night out on Friday to celebrate our anniversary was quite lovely. We left the boys in the extremely capable hands of our sweet neighbors (a grandparent-like couple) and I knew it when she took Baby K right out of Tim’s hands and started to coo over her. Not that anyone in their right mind wouldn’t do that but still, it made me feel so comfortable. And that was worth SO very much.
And the boys, well they were all set for bed and were apparently perfect angels. That’s it – I’m getting a babysitter every night.
But back to our evening.
We had dinner at Ruth’s Chris, probably the best steak place in town. And before we even ordered our food I noticed Tim getting a little nervous. Like the same nervous he did the night he proposed. And before I could decide on my salad selection the waitress brought a little black box to the table that was surrounded by the chef’s fancy creation of spun sugar and sliced strawberries.
And inside?
A beautiful, gorgeous “what-I’ve-always-wanted” ring. I tweeted and facedbook-ed about it on Saturday because I couldn’t keep it to myself. Although, it’s NEVER coming off of my finger, so I AM keeping it to myself!
It’s absolutely beautiful AND means so very much to me.
Now, I’ll be honest, I kinda knew something like this was coming because we did talk about it a little do to the fact that rings cost money and as I mentioned in my anniversary post, that’s sort of a big deal in a marriage when you are not millionaires or anything (which we are not, by the way…)
However, I didn’t know what it was going to look like and how much effort my wonderful husband would put into getting the perfect ring for me. And it IS perfect.
After our dinner (where I couldn’t take my eyes off of my left hand or my husband) we went downtown and hung out for a little while with a co-worker of Tim’s and her boyfriend, at a… BAR. I hadn’t been to a full-fledged bar in quite a while. Like it had smoke and everything (gag.) {p.s. wound’t have typed ‘gag’ 10 years ago} [would have tried to bum one instead].
I mean, This was a bar in the middle of a college town. Although probably not the oldest people there, we were certainly the most over-dressed.
We came home to a good report from our neighbors and he was holding Baby K and she was unloading my dishwasher. They are SO hired!! (and yes, we paid them, in wine).
It was a fabulous evening!
On Saturday Tim didn’t feel very well but we still made a trip to Target as a family where we purchased the boys a little bowling set in the toy section and they proceeded to spend the rest of the weekend making strikes and spares. Best $9.99 we’ve spent in perhaps, our life.
And then Tim grilled on the the new grill I gave him for his anniversary gift.
Then on Sunday we made it to church all together.
And while there (and feeling most unwelcome – yeah, we still haven’t found a church…) an elderly lady that did actually speak to us, asked if Baby K was a boy or a girl while she was dressed in this:
Yeah, this woman was pretty old, but I’m pretty sure she could see and REALLY LADY, IS THERE ANY QUESTION??? Because if someone is dressing their boy in this, well, I just don’t see it happening.
Anyway, for dinner Tim grilled (again!) burgers and did quite a few chores around the house so he could go out and watch the Cowboy game. Hey, I can’t complain. He did dishes and laundry.
Yep, I think I’ll keep him for at least another 10 years…
Wow! That ring is fab! Lucky you! I missed the tweet about it b/c I’ve been cleaning and busy all weekend.
I’m super glad you guys got to go out…and that you had a great time!
Hoping you find the right church soon.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend!! So glad your “sitters” worked out!
I might have to try to convince them to move next to me!! HA!! AWESOME ring!! It is stunning! What a lucky girl you are!
Sounds like the perfect anniversary!
The ring is Bah-Ling Gorgeous! Good guy, you got there…altho I doubt you needed the ring to know that.
Found you on Twitter…boy are you in trouble now! ha ha
WOW! Now that sounds like a fabulous anniversary weekend. Perfect! And that ring is GORGEOUS!!!!! I love it! What a man!

Happy Anniversary (again)!
He does sound like a keeper!
It sounds like a lovely weekend! I love your red dress! The ring is so pretty, too.
Tim sure is a keeper! And such a romantic AND does chores around the house??? – you really have a good one there. :o) I’m glad you had such a great weekend.
But, get used to the boy/girl comments. You’ll still get them when she’s dancing around wearing a dress and long curls. Oh, and if she does have curls – people will ask if they are natural or if you use a curling iron on your two year old. REALLY, PEOPLE?!
Oh Elaine!
That was so sweet of Tim and I’m so glad you were able to have a night out alone with dinner and everything!!
I am so happy for you both. And your neighbors sound lovely–can I move next door, too?!!?
Gorgeous! Now I have to go to confession and tell the priest about my intense jealousy.
I’ve already told Husband that if we ever have the money I am buying myself a three-stone, emeral-cut ring for an anniversary gift some year. I’m not all about the bling all the time, but I do want a ring. I love my wedding set, but I want something for my right hand too. 
So glad your night out went well. I know what you mean about the bar–I just feel old and cranky when I go these days. But our town has some nicer places to go that is less college and more young professional crowd, so at least tolerable.
I can’t decide what I’m more jealous of: your gorgeous ring or the fact that your husband did dishes and laundry.
Happy “belated” Anniversary!!
The ring is beautiful!!! And I’m so glad you found a good sitter and got to get out for a fun night together. Yay!
So glad you had such a nice anniversary! The ring is lovely, I saw a picture of it through one of your tweets! Yay for you guys… you looked so pretty!
And P.S., as if anyone would mistake your baby girl for a boy!
I am so happy for you guys! Happy belated anniversary! Hubby and I will celebrate 5 years of wedded bliss on Saturday and maybe even a surprise apperence by our over anticipated little man! Wouldnt that be the greatest anniversary gift we could ask for (or at least my worn out body could ask for lol).
What a fun night and that ring, well Tim, you done good, buddy!
Happy 10 years!
Ps I think in the olden days they used to dress boys in pink (Jay’s nana told me this) maybe that explains all the old people asking about girls dressed in pink? How annoying though!
AWW Glad you guys had such a great time! And the ring is fabulous of course!! What a good hubby!! Happy Anniversary again! Many, many more happy years for you all!
I am so glad that you had a great Anniversary. And what a great babysitting couple, will they travel?
Happy anniversary. Sounds like the perfect celebration. You should totally show off pictures of the ring!
And, without hair, to most people, all babies are boys…sad, but true. Everybody calls our babies boys even when they were in pink hearts and flowers. At least she acknowledged your presence this time. It really stinks that you can’t find a good church home.
Hey Elaine! So happy you had such a wonderful anniversary…I know it meant a lot to you to have some quality time together w/Tim.
Beautiful ring too; can’t wait to see it (& you) in person! : )
– Fer
WOOOOOOHOOOOOO! the ring is stunning and so are you. Lady, that certainly did not just have a child! I am glad that you had a great anniversary!
Congratulations! It sounds like you had a fantastic time celebrating. What a blessing to have neighbors like that.
Happy Anniversary. Sounds like the best ever. I just realized that today in 1992 my husband asked me to be his girlfriend. That was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.
Did I miss the picture of the ring?
What a great night!!!! 10 years–woo-hoo
And don’t be phased by the comment from the older lady at church-once when Gillian (my daughter with the long very blonde hair) was wearing a puffy white dress and was THREE–an older man commented on what a fine boy he was. :0
It sounds absolutely fabulous. What a sweet pea you have on your hands
Happy Happy Anniversary.
you guys sure are busy right now! what a great night tho, and boo to that lady – i guess pink isn’t enough of a hint!!!
you guys sure are busy right now! what a great night tho, and boo to that lady – i guess pink isn’t enough of a hint!!!
I so had the dreamy eyes reading about your date, the ring, the BAR (ps–10 years ago I would be giving you that cigarette you would be wanting to bum…but now? Gag is right!)
Your family is so beautiful and just filled with love. I can just tell by reading your posts and seeing how happy you look in pictures. I love it!
And she really asked if she was a she?! Doesn’t that annoy you to no end?!
oooohhh…congrats on 10 years and on an awesome new rock! glad you guys had a great night!