Oh my gosh, my kids love those words. Do yours? Wait.
What’s “Brinner” you ask?
Oh, that’s breakfast for dinner, Brinner.
At least that is what we call it around here. And it’s a HIT!!
Everyone in our house, including the dog, could eat bacon for every meal so that’s a no-brainer and along with eggs in some form, that pretty much covers the protein part. I will admit that I’m not usually making a fancy frittata for brinner so we typically do go without veggies when it’s the dinner choice, but there is usually some kind of fruit involved.
This week, we had brinner one night, much to my surprise. See, I’m usually a meal planner. Like every Sunday or Monday I sit down and plan out the 4-5 day week (yes we eat out too much…) and then I go to the store and get what I need for those meals. However, since I had just returned from the beach this past Sunday in the late afternoon, my awesome husband was kind enough to go grocery shopping for me, before I returned home. But instead of having a plan, he was just REALLY hungry while he was there.
However, this worked out in everyone’s favor. The kids got to eat things I do not usually buy (let’s just say Dad has questionable cereal choices). We also had a couple of “sickies” (just over-acting, mean allergies) around here this week so easy dinners it was! I have to admit, I kinda loved it (less stress). One night I made mac n’ cheese for the little kids and another night we had the old grilled cheese/tomato soup combo. Always a favorite.
Another night I just did a fancy “I found some stuff in the fridge that has not expired yet so let’s eat that” kid of meal. Totally worked out fine.
But I still had to figure out another night and when I spied bacon and eggs and remembered this recipe (I have the cookbook, but found it online for y’all) I was so excited. It is a Paleo inspired recipe (and is also gluten free!) and does require some special flour that you may not have in your pantry, but let me tell you right now, these are worth an extra trip to the store! I mean, don’t they look like it? And they have FOUR eggs, so there’s great protein right there!
So tell me, does your family do Brinner? Do you call it something else? Do you think pancakes for dinner is dumb?
I joined my Happy Mama buddies this month, posting easy week night meals. Head over to Jennifer’s place to visit all of the other Happy Mamas for more great recipe ideas, and to link up your own!
Looks delicious. I tried to talk David into making waffles one day this week, but he wasn’t having it. That’s okay. He did all the dishes last night. He’s forgiven.
Jennifer recently posted…Greek Tortellini Soup with Chicken and Spinach
My kids LOVE waffles for dinner! YUM.
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I could have breakfast three times a day. It’s the most important meal of the day, so why not have it often, right?

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We love Brinner! And Brunch, of course, although my school used to call it “brunch for lunch.” So wordy.
For Scarlet’s birthday, she wanted pancakes for dinner.
So we honored it.
Tamara recently posted…They Are Hungry To Learn.
Oh yes, we looooove brinner. And it’s one of the fastest meals to make.
Greta recently posted…Through the Lens Thursday: Triangle
LOVE brinner. And bacon. Pretty sure I could just put bacon in a large bowl and everyone would be all- GREAT DINNER!
Keely recently posted…Suzy’s random pickup truck dream= attained.
Breakfast for dinner is always a hit in our house. Though we don’t typically do anything as fancy as pancakes or waffles. I actually find frittatas easier than pancakes. Though my kids would prefer the latter, for sure. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
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