Do you remember when you first started REALLY looking in the mirror?
At your body? Not just your face.
I don’t.
But I always remember NOT being very happy when I did.
Until recently.
I’m pretty happy with my size 10-ish, 151.4 lb. (as of this very morning) body.
I’ve had three babies. I’ve worked REALLY hard and have exercised EXTREME will power in the last 6 months.
I will NEVER, I repeat NEVER, be a size 2 or have a small bootie. It’s just not in my DNA. My thighs will probably always touch.
But my legs, they are STRONG from running and doing Zumba with my friends to some great music, and my arms are STRONG from carrying kids and lifting weights.
And my tummy, though still kind of puffy, is mine and mine alone.
So, since the blogosphere is all “atwitter” about body image and womanly weight these days, I had to “weigh in” (yep, pun intended)…
We need to get over ourselves. YES. We do NEED to be healthy. We need to limit how much crap we eat (and there is a lot of it out there) and we need to teach our children to eat healthily and that food is fuel and not something to be abused.
But we don’t need to criticize each other and judge each other and be hateful like that recent Marie Claire article. You know the one. (and if you don’t, google it – “Marie Claire article on Mike and Molly”).
Nothing good comes of that.
Except for maybe THIS. A new site, created by some pretty awesome women, called Curvy Girl. Check it out.
And this also counts as my weigh-in for the latest weight-loss challenge, Holiday Hoedown, at The Sisterhood of The Shrinking Jeans. Which is another fabulous site, run and written by some of my best bloggy AND IRL friends.
So, did you catch that up there? I said 151.4 pounds!! That means I’ve lost 26!!
And I plan hope to LOSE some more weight over the holidays.
(although I do plan to chow-down on Thanksgiving. We all have our moments…)
I’m still working on that tummy (damn genetics!) but I’m proud of my body and my obvious curves. They are still there. I’m just trying to be healthy and be around a long time to “bug” my kids….
And no matter what, I plan to rock this body. Confidence is key.
So let’s be good to each other no matter what we weigh or how we look, okay?
You look gorgeous and healthy! Thanks for the reminder…it’s hard not to get caught up in yourself and your size. I keep waiting to lose that last 10 pounds…or maybe not
Love this post!! And look at you so close to the 140’s!!
You are strong and healthy and are setting a fabulous example for your kids. I’ve managed to get down to size 6 to 8-ish body, but still see all the things I consider flaws when I look in the mirror. My thighs will also probably always touch and my stomach will always show the evidence that it carried twins. Those are 2 things that I cannot change with diet and exercise but I beat myself up over it anyway. It’s crazy. Thank you for reminding me (and everyone else) that we need to be good to ourselves.
I also have come to terms with the fact that I am never going to be super model thin and I don’t want to be. I like my body on somedays and not so much on other days but its the only one I have.
Great post.
That is awesome! You rock.
And I’m really excited about the Curvy Girl site. Those girls are smokin’ hot and are blazin’ new paths across the internet.
Congrats girl! That’s huge.
And, seriously, why are we so hard on each other? And ourselves? Can we really compare ourselves to the 0.01% of women that must be genetic anomalies?
I had not read the article. I just did and wanted to punch her in the face.
Here here! I agree, we need to focus on being healthy and not model thin. Like you, I’m never going to be a size 2 but coming around to be okay with my “womanly” body. And well done for losing all that weight – that is awesome!
no matter how much you lose, the flaws are still there. they may be smaller than before, they might even be less attractive (my friends husbands complained when i lost weight b/c the booty shrunk), but at the end of the day you’re still you. flaws, beauty and all!
Amen. It’s about being healthy and feeling good and amazingly enought, the two go hand in hand.
I haven’t read this article you mention but it kind of irks me. Off to find it.
you are oozing confidence, love it!!!
My wish for everyone is to just move and be healthy 5 days outta 7!! I think as a society we would just be “better”, calmer, happier…
Good for you!!!
yes. yes. yes. And you look amazing…
So, so happy for you! And you are so right, we need to get over ourselves and just be happy and healthy. That can be any size, really.
This is an AWESOME post, Elaine!! beautiful words from beautiful you.
You are amazing, inside and out!
OKAY!!! awesome post elaine. i do kinda love my muffin top – it’s my trophy for having 4 babies
Elaine, you are SO inspiring!! As you know I started the C25K program 2 weeks ago and I’m about to start week 3 soon … I can’t wait! NEVER thought I would say that about running, but reading blogs like yours and Kami’s has shown me that I CAN do it, I just need to try.
You are AMAZING!! And I agree with your words wholeheartedly. We need to stop being judgemental and SUPPORT each other! I am so glad that your blog has been inspiring and supportive in my own journey towards fitness. Thank you!
Hannah xx
Pssst!!…Hey…Bloggie Chicks…my wife is HAUGHT.