I’ve been “single parenting” a bit lately and even though Tim has not been around very much for dinner, I’m still making the same amount of food for our family in the evenings. This means the fridge is full of leftovers.
When he does return home to sleep for a few hours, he’s spent. The work he’s been doing lately is extremely taxing and stressful. So when he is here what I get from him (if I’m still awake) is something akin to “leftovers” as well. And I don’t say that to make him feel bad, it’s just the truth. He works really hard to begin with. But especially lately.
And the kids and I are together a lot, just the 3 of us or 4 of us, if The B Man is not in school. My job is full of stress sometimes as well but of course it’s just a different kind. I have deadlines too, but they’re of the “get to soccer practice on time” and “get the homework helping done” variety. I have 3 little people constantly counting on me for something.
And today, they got a bit of my leftovers. I finally broke down from the “single parenting” this evening (and as an aside, my hat is WAY off to those who are ACTUAL single parents because O.M.G. I’ve just had a tiny taste and WOW).
Anyway… I was putting K to bed and we were rocking in the dark and she sat up and accidentally slammed her hard noggin into my lip.
I immediately started to cry. I mean BAWL.
And she buried her head in my chest and said, “I sorry Mama.”
And so I cried harder.
I cried for the pain but mostly I cried for my heart, which tries SO very hard but some days it catches up with me. All of it just catches up.
I cried for the stress that comes from Tim working such long hours and the fact that it plants itself on all of us. I even notice it in the kids. And again, I’m not faulting him, I’m just saying… It’s HARD. For all of us.
I look forward to the day when there will be fewer leftovers. Of both the food and the emotion variety.
I hope it comes sooner than later…
And now, some (or A LOT, whatever) pretty pictures to make us ALL feel better. I know they helped me…
The local university has a toddler program on Tuesday mornings at the on-campus art museum. It is run by the early childhood education students and so cute. However, my kids were happier running outside…

Awww. The burden is heavy sometimes. Hugs to you. You’re kicking butt, and taking names, though. Doing the right thing.
And it’s ok to cry.
Your kiddos are absolutely beautiful.
I have one child only and that kicks my butt some days too, so I cannot imagine 3 small ones depending entirely on me, so kudos to you for shouldering it all bravely. It’s okay to cry and admit it’s hard, you’re only human. Chin up, okay?
Love the pictures, they look so happy!
It’s stressful and the burden is heavy. It’s okay to cry, there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes letting the tears out makes it feel a bit better. But you’re doing a great job! Keep your head up, ok?
Love those pictures! They look so happy!
OH how I feel for you. That’s a lot to bear on your own! I’ll bet the cry was a great release though.
I can so relate.
Me, me, me. You know the situation. Last two days have been esp rough (for me) b/c the toddler is waking in the middle of the night. I’m tired and grouchy and mean : ).
I so get this.
I hope things slow down. Travis isn’t working a ton, but with all the busy in our lives we are losing touch with each other, kids included. It is manifesting in behavior. We have to reset things. And we have to guard what little unscheduled time we have.
I know that feeling. It wears on all four of us when Ryan works a lot
I hope you get some more family time, stat. xoxo
I’ve been there. I just tell myself that all I can do is my best- and it took a long time for me to realize that my “best” is different on different days.
Been there! Sometimes the only thing that gets me through is telling myself “this too shall pass”.
I can’t even begin to imagine how single moms do it. Earlier this year my husband was slammed too- worked 22 consecutive days- yes including weekends. One day went in at 6 AM- got home about 2:00 AM- just to go back in the next day about 8:00 AM. It was so hard- I could myself a work site widow. I hope things get easier soon
So, so hard. May I come be your sister wife?
Oh you and your sweet heart. yes, I’ve had those bawling moments, too! So, so very hard isn’t it?
I’m with you on the long days and the hat tips to those who do this all the time.
Hang in there, Mama! And yes, those photos are pure adorable!
I can totally relate! Absolutely, totally. Thanks for writing this.
i can definitely relate, my husband travels for work and i often feel like a single parent.
I can so get this. I’ve been living this all summer, and I’m so tired of it. I can’t wait until this job David is on is over.
This is a life I know … and yes, its hard.
And if it is consistent you need good friends and you must escape from time to time. Must.
My husband left Monday, he will be home on Sunday and leaves 7am Monday – for two more weeks.
Its tough some days … i tell myself that i appreciate him more when he is here. But sometimes, it just annoys me that he disturbs my sleep
Oh babe, I SO hear you. Jeremy was out of town for 1 day and I was dying. Lisa was over and i told her I don’t know how she does it when her hubs is gone for WEEKS at a time.
Here’s to less leftovers. ***hug***
I just want to give you a big, big hug. I hope things start to improve, leftover-wise. I know all about things building up and sneaking up on you, full-force, when you may not expect it. Hang in there!!!!
Oh Elaine, that sounds just overwhelming for you all! Long hours are tough on everyone so here’s hoping it will end soon.
And you are right, those pictures are fabulous…K’s jeans and shoes, oh my heavens the cute! I love the location!
Oh wow. I can SOOOOOOO relate to this. Todd has been working constantly lately too. Even when he is home he is on the computer or on his phone constantly. It is rotten. But, like you said, I don’t fault him for it. Still. It’s rotten.
Hang in there! You are doing an awesome job!
LOVE the pics. Beautiful!
I’ve been off work the entire month of September (my inlaws are still in Greece, and they babysit half the week so I had to) and it is HARD. Not easy, not at all. It’s A CONSTANT JOB. And exhausting. And tiring. And wonderful! And oh-so-very-messy. I’m glad you cried, sometimes you have to let it out. I cried the other day while driving and I had to pull over. Just everything all at once, and then that sad Adele song. Anyway. You’re a wonderful mama. And single parenting is IMPOSSIBLY hard. And your pics are as cute as ever.
I LOVE that last picture!! SO awesome