Ben loves to talk, but most of you know this. We went to some friends’ house last night and there was a couple there who have a 3-year old (about 5 months older than Ben) and the mother was going on about how well Ben speaks compared to her child. I guess we don’t notice it as much because we are his parents and we are used to it, but several people comment on his excellent speech and have for quite some time. I don’t know how much it has to do with it, but I believe that some of this could probably be attributed to how much we read to Ben. Most nights one or both of us reads 2-3 books to him and now he’s started “reading” some himself. He loves Green Eggs and Ham (but then who doesn’t?) and here is a picture of him while he was reading it himself… “Could you would you in a box…?”
This morning Tim sang at church (a.k.a cantored) in my place since I have been somewhat sickly all week and my singing voice is less than pretty right now. So, he left for church before we did. Long story short in getting Ben dressed I realized that we left his FAVORITE shoes at our friends’ house last night! After a few tears he finally agreed to put on another pair but I decided that we had to get him some more shoes after church. Now I am not sure how this child is mine considering he is a “one pair of shoes” kind of guy (so NOT me!). Literally, he wears the same pair of shoes everyday except sometimes to church. Anyway, we made it to the shoe department at Target and he would have NOTHING to do with the shoes there, including a brand new pair of the same ones!! He had now adopted the pair he had to put on earlier that morning. (What’s with this kid?) He did however, end up with these lovely Wiggles slippers for $1.98 and it quite happy to play with them and wear them! What a deal!
Anyway, that’s the latest on our cute, sweet boy. Hope everyone had a good weekend!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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