Rocks in my Dryer is hosting a little Labor Day meme carnival. And she ain’t talkin’ just about the holiday. She means L-A-B-O-R as in how did your baby or babies come into the world. Yeah, that kind. Here are the details of my labors.
How long were your labors?
The B Man – I was induced and from the time they broke my bag of waters to delivery it was about 5 hours. It was NOT FUN though. Looking back, I probably wouldn’t have done the whole induction thing (I wasn’t even overdue yet) as it was very stressful on both me and the baby. I almost had to have a C-section due to the fact that his heartbeat was in the danger zone.
Little G – C Section
How did you know you were in labor?
Never got to experience “going into labor” the traditional way. Darnit.
Where did you deliver?
In two different hospitals. First one, okay. Second one, STELLAR. The food was even good. No, kidding. And the nurses for so wonderful with helping me to breastfeed and just making me feel like I was really being cared for in the most sincere way.
Drugs? Yes thanks.
Yes, with my second, Little G. Not for his sake but mine. With The B Man (my first) I had some major issues with my own body in the actual delivery zone and I, nor my OB wanted a repeat performance of that. It was a hard but good decision. My recovery was much easier.
Who delivered?
Two different doctors because we moved before my second pregnancy. And… I am much happier with the second one anyway.
Go ahead, share your “labor” day stories. We wanna hear ’em! : )
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I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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