Things around our world seem to be falling apart this week so one afternoon I decided to take my camera outside for a bit to gather some perspective and even a little peace for my heart and mind.  It worked for a little while…

I thought about this post that my friend Tracy wrote and how beautiful it was and how wonderful the acts of kindness displayed made me feel as I was reading.

And so I got to thinking, how can we be more kind, as a society, as a human race, as people who are taught to love one another (at least I hope…)?

I came up with a few things that I thought we could each do in our daily lives so that we can put more kindness and love to others out there.  It certainly cannot hurt, right?

Here goes…

Drive nicely.  Don’t cut people off because you are in a hurry, don’t yell at other drivers, especially in front of your kids. Let someone go in front of you while exiting a busy parking lot.  If you are 30 seconds late it won’t matter…

Give someone a smile and a “Hello”, it could change their entire perspective for that day.

Ask nicely.  Use your manners, just like we teach our children. Say Please and Thank you and You’re Welcome.  It’s really easy to do.

Be good to those closest to you. Sure, you could get angry that the kids missed the hamper for their dirty clothes for the millionth time (I know I have) but it’s probably best to keep it to yourself and just put the clothes in there yourself, rather than getting upset about it.  Hug them, tell them you love them every chance you get.  Tell your spouse/partner what they mean to you.

Call your Mother (and Father) if you can.  Some people do not have their parents to call because they have passed away or are just not around.  If you are blessed to have your parents in your life, let them know how much they mean to you.

Give someone a handout.  It’s okay to give that guy by the red light with a sign $5.  Or, if you would rather not give them money, make a few bags for your car/van with snacks and bottled water and give them that when you see them.

Let someone at the grocery store with only a few items go before you.

Give someone a compliment or praise at least once a day.  Tell a friend her hair looks nice or give high praise to your child because they DID put the clothes in the hamper. 🙂

Kind acts, no matter how “small” can make a difference in anyone’s life.  I believe it.

What kind thing can you think of to do today? Or tomorrow? Or next week?

Leave a kindness in the comments and I will pick a random winner in a few days and send them a little surprise in the mail… Because I have kindness to pass on too…



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