One night last week K and I were doing our usual prayers-songs-hugs-and-kisses bedtime routine when I said, “And thank you God for our cousins-” and she stopped me short and said, “For Caphrine and Daniel and Gracie!”

But she didn’t stop there.

She went on about the photo in the “whiving room” where she is wearing “little pink jammies” and “Caphrine”(Catherine) is holding her, when she’s a “bay-beeee”!

I was surprised that she had ever even paid attention to said photo, but yes, it is one of my favorites of my brother Larry’s kids with mine, when K was only about 5 months old, during her first visit to Texas.  And yes,  it is framed in our living room.

don’t they all kinda look alike? 😉

Back in the summer these same six kids hung out a bit while we visited family in Texas.

I love watching them together because they are all roughly the same age and my brother and his wife have two girls and a boy to our two boys and a girl.  And well, “Caphrine” is a pretty good baby sitter already. 🙂  I’ll be honest, they were kinda over it after being together for over 24 hours straight but all in all they had a great time, eating donuts and getting rained out at the splash pad.

I enjoy giving them this time together because these are the cousins they are closest to and I had some of those when I was growing up and to this day, they are like the sisters I did not have.

Oh look! “Caphrine” is holding K again!  And unfortunately only B’s hand made it into this pic!  p.s. Round Rock donuts are pretty awesome.
Oh, look, Caphrine is holding K AGAIN! ;-P

So, when I say “I miss my family” in the title above, it does not necessarily mean that I only miss my family now (although I do, A LOT) but I also miss the way my family was when I was younger and hanging with my own cousins.  I just have such great memories and those were some pretty fun times…

I sincerely hope that my children can cherish these times NOW and take them for all they are worth.

We’ll see you at Thanksgiving, cousins.

Get those arms ready, “Caphrine”.


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