My kids are always asking for stuff.  From a quarter for that dumb toy from China, from inside the Godforsaken machine in the lobby of the pizza place, to toilet paper. Obviously one of these things is a necessity (at least in our house) and the other SO. IS. NOT.

Here are some other things they have asked for lately. Most were granted if they used their manners.


Ice cream – This was not granted because my doctor recently told me I can only have ice cream if we go out for it. No more buying it for the house. You should have HEARD the collective “AH Maaaaaahm!!!” when I said “no” at the grocery store the other day. So dramatic. Besides their Grandpa now calls ice cream “poison” since that is what his heart doctor calls it, so we are just going with that. It’s poison and I CANNOT poison my children. See? I am such a good mom!

A pony tail (in K’s hair) – We do this pretty much every morning before school. This or a braid. This one is super easy. I like when they ask for stuff like this.

$10 – Nope and Nope. Oh wait, did you take out the trash, empty the dishwasher (and refill it), walk the dog, clean your room and fold the laundry (and put it away). No, you didn’t? Well then, sorry Charlie. Shit don’t come for free ’round here. Next request…

To use my computer – Sure, once I am done using it myself and only to do your Xtra math. Not for Roblox or kid Netflix. We have a t.v. and devices for that. LATER TATER.

To bathe the dog – He does stink. I will give them that (not yet granted). I should probably do this one for myself too though since he typically sleeps with me.

Gum – Not when you chew the entire pack in 30 minutes.

To sleep in my bed – This depends on the mood I am in. And if they don’t mind that the alarm goes off earlier than their wakeup call from me. Your choice, kid.

To leave my phone in the van – While exploring and playing at the horse farm (park by our house). Ben requested this. And I won’t lie, it was NOT easy. I just like to take pictures… but next time I need to remember to bring my REAL camera instead of just my phone. Coulda had the Christmas card picture that day without any of the pressure. #missedopportunity


My Three Askers



Linking up with MamaKat! Check out her writing prompts. This one was: List 8 things your kids have recently asked you for.

Also, doing #NaBloPoMo all month long! A post a day!!


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Tags: NoBloPoMo

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