I can still remember when the sonographer confirmed that I was having a girl, at my 20-week appointment while pregnant with K. Unfortunately only she and Tim saw the enormous smile on my face, I kind of wish I could have seen it too. It wasn’t so much that I really wanted a girl, I was just really happy to be having one. I was excited to have a daughter once it became a reality.
When I think about her turning five I get a bit teary and somewhat emotional. Five is a big deal age to me; DEFINITELY no longer a baby. And that is a little hard on the ole Momma heart, the “baby” getting older. I have to wonder how it felt for my own mother since I was also her only daughter and the youngest, by many years. I contemplate how she must have felt with every milestone that I passed. I guess I am getting a good idea of what she felt since I am living it myself, right now.
MY daughter is one pretty amazing 5-year old, I have to say. No, she does not let me put bows in her hair, but yes, she does like to wear dresses. Yes, she would love to play Legos with her brothers over baby dolls and NO, she does not like it when I do my best impression of Idina Menzel while singing “Let It Go” at the top of my lungs as we are driving in the van. But hey, kid, if you’re going to make me listen to it that much can’t I at least sing along? Apparently not. This child has NEVER let her assertiveness go unnoticed. I cannot remember a time when she was not giving someone direction as to what to do or not to do. She’ll make a great manager someday. Or mom. Or both.
This girl of mine is not soft spoken about anything. She says she’s shy but I am pretty sure she is wrong about that, since she started at a new school this year, and made friends in the first week. She wants to do everything her brothers do and she even bosses the puppy around. Although he doesn’t really pay that much attention to her when she does. 😉
She prefers for me to put her to bed and many nights I still lay with her until she drifts off but often times, after a book and some prayers, I simply blow her a kiss, after she blows me one, and tell her to “sleep tight”. She is also an early two-wheel bike rider, a singer and an animal lover (especially horses!). Her laugh is THE best and she gives wonderful hugs. She doesn’t care much for dinner unless it is pasta but she will always eat the fruit. I wish you could hear her say “hummus and carrots”, which she loves to snack on. She has a precious freckle on her forehead and her Daddy’s eyes.
I hope we can continue to be close. I hope she knows that I love her no matter what. I pray she is always a good friend and sister and that she can always let her beautiful light shine.
But in the meantime, I hope she just enjoys being five because it’s a wonderful, amazing age to be…
She is, like I said a few years ago, “the exclamation point at the end of our family sentence“.
Here are a few questions I asked the munchkin…
What is your favorite movie? Barbie and the Fairy Tale Majesty
What is your favorite show? I don’t know… Jake and the Neverland Pirates
What is your favorite food? cake
Who is your best friend? Sydney and Marie!
What is your favorite game? Duck, Duck, Goose!
What is your favorite color? pink and purple and red
Where do you like to go? Skating
What is your favorite book? That is a hard one… all of them!!
What do you like about turning 5? The presents!
How much do you love your brothers? Awesome!
How much do you love Mommy & Daddy? Awesomer!
How much do you love Ollie (the dog)? The most awesome – he’s SO cute!
This child is not short on smiles…
Or personality.
or people who love her!
Happy Birthday to my Katie-Kay, my Busy Bee, my sweet, precious GIRL! My heart is so happy that you are a part of our lives. I love you!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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