Categories: awardsbloggingLinking

Just Spreadin’ the Luv

So I griped on twitter yesterday about how my blog seemed a little “ghost town-like” in the comments section. Seriously, I could here crickets chirping through my laptop. Traffic has been about on par but I’ve had less comments the last few days.

I also asked if perhaps it’s because I smell and no one “@”ed me saying that I did or didn’t so now I’m a little worried and will be taking an extra long shower today.

But! On a VERY positive note about comments I thought I would pass on some love that was given to me a few days ago from Jen at Daily Mish Mash. She writes a great blog featuring many things about pop culture and celebrities. I especially like to visit on Fridays where she highlights celebrity males (that’s the important part) in a post called Friday’s Eye Candy. Here she posts pics of these hunks from a list that a friend or fellow blogger (or both!) has chosen. Seriously girls, it’s worth the visit, trust me. (I’ve linked to the last one. It’s fine, you can thank me later…or in the comments section!) I know… I’m almost begging, aren’t I?

ANY. WAY. Because I comment at her place quite a bit she gave me my own “star” and I am SO honored to be in her comment hall of fame. Can I call it that Jen? Oops, I already did… ; )

So like I said, I’m going to pass it on to some of the wonderful bloggers in my life that comment here pretty much on the daily (and if they don’t come every day they come back and comment later). Without further ado, I present you with my Star Commenters for today:

Sparkette @ Our Lil Kilowats

Kami @ Kami’s Khlopchyk

Christina @ Momology

Krystyn @ Really Are You Serious? (Krystyn also responds to all the comments I leave at her place too – she’s amazing!)

Angella @ Dutch Blitz

Three Boys 1 Mommy

Lisa @ Growing Up Mo

Lisa @ very busy mom with 4

My Three B’s and Me

Spoiled Mommy

Thanks ladies for all the comment luv and support. I really do appreciate it and I know you all know what I mean.

And also, I hope you’ll pass it on… : )

Also, I’m linking up to Tuesday’s Tribute hosted by Jay and Deb because this is most certainly a tribute to comments and commeters alike!

A Jay and Deb Production.


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