Categories: ListingMisc.

Just Some Stuff

I haven’t done a random post in a while so it must be high time, right? Sure, why not?

* It took my doctor quite a while to find the baby’s heartbeat on Thursday. And by “quite a while” I mean it was probably a minute to minute and half but it felt like ten. I know it took her long enough to where she did look at me at one point with kind of a funny look on her face. And then like 10 seconds later it was there. It’s just crazy how your mind can wander in the matter of a minute or so. I was VERY relieved to hear it when she did find it.

* I am SO excited for the cake that a friend of mine is making for Ben’s birthday party this Saturday. I don’t want to ruin the suprise but let’s just say it’s mouse and cheese oriented and is going to be super cute!

* Tim and I went out to dinner Saturday night for a belated birthday celebration. We didn’t have reservations anywhere because I’m really flaky about what I want to eat lately and when we got to the area where we wanted to be we decided on a fondue place. Which I like but the promise of a burned something is always a fear of mine. And when I saw Tim jerk his arm away from his mouth at one point I knew it happend – to him. And it was a BAD one, right on his bottom lip. Sorry honey…

* I TOTALLY need a haircut and color. Like BAD this time people. I haven’t done anything with it since the beginning of January. I had planned to cut 2-3 inches off but when I mentioned that to Tim he told me not to do it. He said he likes my hair at this length. Honestly, I was a little surprised because usally he doesn’t really have an opinion on my hair length (although the color is another story…)

* The B Man is writing words! And reading a little! WAHOO! This is exciting because he’s been resisiting somewhat and I was starting to get a little worried that he wasn’t going to “like” reading. But today while practicing our choir music before church, he was in the room writing on the board in there and wrote several three-letter words. I was very proud!

* I cleaned off my scrapbooking desk and found my old little point and shoot camera. It’s very compact and I was excited to put it in my purse and be able to take it anywhere where I might want to take a picture or two. Of course I forgot to take my ENTIRE purse today when we went to visit some friends tonight and have dinner at their place so… so far that plan is a FAIL…

* I’m starting to feel a little better. Some foods still sound awful at times but the night time sickness is definitely tapering off. THANK GOD! However, I have been more tired lately. A mid-afternoon doze is not unlikely lately.

* We ate out WAY too much this last week but I just had one of those weeks where I didn’t feel like cooking. So, I didn’t.

* I gave in to the Mary Kay lady this week. And now instead of only washing my face once a day, I’m washing it twice a day and applying all kinds of things that will help me stay young looking. Right? (please say right.) Plus she helped me with make-up colors and I personally think my make-up looks SO much better. So yeah, finally at 34 I’ve “grown up” in the make-up and skin care department.

* I know I’ve mentioned this on twitter a couple of times but I just have to say how cute Little G is right now with his “Bess you Mama” after I sneeze. And now he says “Bess you Benja” to his brother too (who sneezes A LOT lately and may have allergies…) It may be the cutest thing on earth. Seriously.

* Chocolate is coming back into favor around here so if any of you were panicking about that go ahead and breathe easy now. I know I feel better already (after eating some of course!).

* Lastly, I hope you are all praying for Stellan. I know I am.

That’s all I got for today.

Tomorrow I’m hosting Past Post Parade again and I have a little extra incentive if you link up to one of your old posts (in other words, a giveaway…) : )


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