This is a little video of The B Man (my first baby who is now almost through with 2 weeks of Kindergarten) when he was a day old. It has no sound so don’t think that you are losing it (your ability to hear, that is) when you don’t hear anything.
I just had to post this because he’s so tiny and sweet and also because I think I kinda need a reminder of what it’s going to be like with a newborn around here. I mean these little guys of mine are into tackling and chasing each other these days. Oh and talking. Lots of talking and hollering and…. Oh wait.
At least they can actually TELL me what they want or need.
Yeah… this is going to be fun…
And also, how do you change a baby gir’s diaper properly? Any advice is much appreciated. Kthanksbye.
P.S. Thanks to everyone for your sweet comments about my big ole belly from Wednesday’s post. Y’all really know how to make a pregnant girl feel good! : ) MWAH!
Absolutely Adorable!… How time goes by so fast. From these cuddly babies to being everywhere!… my 18 month old is there! =) I also love looking at my wonderful memories. Beautiful!
Wow! He looks exactly the same in the face as he does now! Crazy…and so sweet and cute!
He’s a doll.
Oh, and I know very little of girl diapers…so I can’t help there. Sorry.
Oh how i love love love those first few days weeks and months where there little eyes are adjusting to the new world around them and constantly searching their new surroundings.
As far as changing baby girl’s diaper all i really know is the never wipe front to back. I have a lot of nieces but not a whole lot of experience lol. I think i had heard somewhere a long the line of not wiping inside either just sticking stricktly to the outside.
so tiny so cute!!
I so miss the baby baby days!!
AAWWW…be ready to fall in LOVE all over again!!
Girls diapers….pretty much same as boys, make sure to open and clean in all folds, and it is ALWAYS wipe front to butt, never the opposite, I think that is what Courtney was trying to say…I was the same way about BOYS diapers, after having 2 girls!! Now about the hair….? What to do about the boy’s (mine, that is) hair….?
Girl diapers are soooooooooo much easier. Yes, girls have more thigh fat (it starts early, apparently), but there is no “splatter pee” involved! LOL!
So tiny!!
Sorry I missed the belly post – YOU LOOK AMAZING.
And girls? Let’s just say their pee can ALSO spray in your face. And poop can also squirt up the font of their diaper because there’s nothing there to, um, block it
So incredibly precious! Oh how I miss the newborn stage because it passes so quickly. One big difference I noticed about boys and girls… Boys squirt and girls.. well things get into little cracks and crevices and it’s harder to clean, lol.
This video makes my ovaries ache for another baby–thanks a lot!!
Girls’ diapers can be tricky even though girls don’t squirt. They have lots of nooks and crannies and you always need to wipe front to back to avoid a bladder infection. I always opened & scooted the new/clean diaper in underneath the dirty one before removing it so that if there were any leaks/drips/accidents, the clean diaper would catch it. Of course, most normal people use a changing pad, but often I was scrambling around and couldn’t always locate something to change the girls on….
he is precious! you are so lucky.
These teeny things are so cute and snuggable! Love it, love it.
Changing girls is a snap, just clean them good. What are boys and how do you change them?
Good luck!
These teeny things are so cute and snuggable! Love it, love it.
Changing girls is a snap, just clean them good. What are boys and how do you change them?
Good luck!
E, I am not sure if you watch “Tori & Dean” but there was an epsiode in in which Tori talked about taking extra precautions/care for changing her girl Stella and ensuring no #2 gets mixed into the #1 area. She had a saying for it, but it may not sit well with some.
You change diapers pretty much the same way. Girls can make messes just like boys, so those early newborn days it is smart to have the clean diaper at the ready immediately.
Will you quit making my ovaries twitch, lol!
Aw that is some seriously sweet sweetness! And he looks so much like he does now even as a newborn, I love that.
All I gotta say is, better you than me ;P
I wouldn’t know how to change a little girl either because I just have my two boys! I sure hope that I get to have a girl next too!
Sweet video by the way. They are so precious when they are tiny.
they grow up so fast! baby girls are SOOOOOOOOOO much easier to change than boys – just STRAIGHT down the middle – nuthin’ to it!
I always found girls harder to clean than boys. So many more crevices for the poo to hide in! But the main thing, other than the Front-To-Back! advice that has always been offered, is not to go too aggressively after the poo, if you kwim. There will be some whitish creamy stuff in those crevices that is protective. You’ll make her sore if you try to scrub it all out!
I know that’s a little graphic, but I was grateful to know if when I had my first, a girl.
Your belly is beautiful, by the way, as is your little (and not-so-little now) bundle of boy!
I am rendered wordless by the cute!
All I can saw is AWWWWWwwwwww!!!!
So cute!