The rest of the title for this post should be “I feel like posting about this and that and the other”.  But I thought that was really TOO long.  Like the run-sentence of blog post titles, ya know?

Yes, this post is going to be a bit all over the place.  In the spirit of what I kinda used to do with Miss Elaine-ous Monday.

Speaking of Miss Elaine-ous Monday… did you all like it?  I was thinking of starting it up again in the new-ish year.  Thoughts?  Opinions?  Ideas on ways to make it better?

Anyway, on the with the random….

How beautiful is this photo?

It was taken by my husband on his friend’s phone while they were duck hunting early Saturday morning.  No editing, no filters.  Just pure awesome.

By the way, you need to follow along with my pal, Brittany.  She’s famous and all now.  (I mean, she’s already been famous to me but now she is hanging out in Hollywood with Greg Grunberg and the Dad from 7th Heaven – seriously, check her Instagram feed – BRITTANYHERSELF.)  I just think it’s so cool that I’ve been reading her blog and keeping up with her for years and I just love watching all these good things happen with her!!

And while you’re hanging out on  Instagram, go ahead and follow me too – I’m misselaine0375!  (if you do not already)  I follow more people than follow me and that feels kinda lame, you know?  I mean, I don’t REALLY care. But still.

I am SO Adult A.D.D. today it is not EVEN funny!

*takes a breath*

So, on Saturday we spent the day as a family,  It was fun.  Once Tim got back from hunting we spruced ourselves up to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL, sun-shiny day!  (and if you follow me on Instagram, you know how happy I am that the sun in shining!)

We drove to Baton Rouge to a place that had mini-golf, arcades, go karts, and all that good expensive stuff.

The kids were done with the golf pretty fast and then decided the best place to squander Daddy’s hard-earned money was on arcade games where you get tickets to trade in for cheap junk from China.   Hey, at least I got one good game of skee-ball in.  (LOVE that game!)  Oh and B and I played this big, huge electronic game of Connect 4.  So cool!  It IS pretty darn fun to act like a kid again. 😀

Anyway, afterward, we headed to a shopping center and Tim was nice enough to let me go into Anthro by myself.  When he walked in I had these in my hand and he immediately made a horrible face.

What say you, my friends, aren’t they cute?

He HATED them.  Like with the fiery passion of a thousand suns,  “I cannot even imagine why you would ever wear those”,  HATE.

I tried them on and they were soft.  And colorful.  But too pricey for my hubby to LOATHE them with all his being.  So I left them.

But I did get some cute jeans and a dress on sale and a new top I LOVE.  So there’s that.

(still miss you p.j. pants) 

Also, did you all know my kids are cute?

Yeah, I know you do, but just to reiterate – a video of the cutest Kindergarten-er I know (don’t miss the 3-year old “I want some attention too” freak-out at the end.  Classic).

And some pictures of  K to the K., a.k.a. “the biz”.  a.k.a  “the busy bee”.

I know, we’ve gone crazy with the nick names.

p.s.  Also, I’m going to Blissdom and I am rooming with two amazing ladies, Jennifer (of course!) and Kim.  Plus I get to see SO many more of my bloggy friends and it’s being held in my old hood, in the DFW area.  Can’t wait.  Are you coming too?

p.p.s. in looking at the list of random Google searches that bring peeps to my blog, two of the most popular are “90’s bangs” and “high bangs”, you know from this post (and yes, it IS in my sidebar as one of my most popular posts).  My question is, are people trying to recreate this look?!?  If so, it’s possible the end of the world IS at hand.  And if so, just a warning, you better have a good curling iron and LOTS of hairspray!!

K, random over.

Happy oh great, the kids are out of school again! Monday!


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