I’ve been doing this blogging thing for a while now and SO very many bloggers have come and gone and stayed and some that I used to be enthused with I no longer am (just bein’ honest) and some new ones just blow my mind with their awesomeness.
If I had hours days I would tell you about all of them.
Blogging it so crazy really, when you think about it. We put ourselves out there on the daily and ANY person with an internet connection can find us and see photos and even read our words and ultimately KNOW what is in our hearts. Without even having met us.
Thankfully we do get the chance to meet those who do this blogging thing along side us and we can sit next to each other at a table with our laptops and iPhones, posting pictures of our stout coffee or THE cutest new pair of boots on our feet and those around us won’t scoff or make fun. You know, because they are doing the same thing. 😉
I’m so thankful to have this community because let’s face it, still to this day, not everyone understands this “blogging thing”. Even my mother has a hard time wrapping her head around it, I believe. (Hi Mom!) So it’s just so darn great to have other people doing this who I know “get me”.
See, I got a comment on my blog this morning from someone who said “I’m visiting from Momma Made it Look Easy” I thought “Huh, wonder why they are visiting from Jen’s place” and of course I clicked over.
Turns out she put a list on her blog this morning of some of her favorite blogs and I am on it (!!) and she said some really, REALLY nice things about me and I almost did started to cry.
Here’s the thing. When I started this blog 5.2 years ago. I NEVER had ANY idea that I would make friends doing it. NONE.
I started it because I knew I loved to take photos and talk about my kids and I thought it was a good way for family and friends to keep up with us. And for me to exercise my writing chops a bit (although if you read my firsts posts you would have NO IDEA that such thought existed in my head – ha!)
Something tragic happened in the life of one of my best IRL friends and I met Nicole that way (she is a mutual friend) and in an email to those of us concerned, she linked to her blog. And on the sidebar of her blog…a list of a bunch of other blogs.
It was in that moment that I had this crazy “OMG, lots of other people do this too!?!??!” epiphany and…
…as they say A LOT, the rest is history.
I’m not sure why I write all of this. I guess I’m a bit pensive about the fact that I have made some very good friends JUST because I write this blog. People that I truly love and adore and that enrich my life. And these two ladies are JUST the beginning (and are both so wonderful!!)
Anyway, it simply amazes me the friends I’ve made.
I think I’ll keep blogging. I mean, who knows who I have YET to meet, right?
Yeah I’m here to stay.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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