As you can all see the blog has been made-over! My friend Christy of Ruby & Roja Design did a fabulous job, don’t you think? I super duper puffy heart triple love it! Tim even commented on how the colors are a variation on Mardi Gras colors and how that is somewhat fitting for our new home.

I love that man. And no, he’s not gay.

AND….. I’ve gone DOT.COM! So you should now be redirected to Please grab my new button too (especially if you had the old one up) and post it on your site if you’d like. The code is right there on the left sidebar. (I’d post it here but can’t seem to figure that out – just another reason I have OTHER people re-design my blog!)

Anyway, I hope y’all like it as much as I do!


BlogHer is JUST around the corner and I’m getting quite excited. Only problem is I can’t really remember what parties I RSVPed for. I remember The People’s Party and I’m pretty sure there was one other one but now I don’t know which one it was. Hmmmm…

I’m excited to hang out with Haley again (my roomie!) as well as Christy and Lisa and of course meet SO many bloggers that I admire and read consistently including her and her and her and her and her and her.

As far as my wardrobe goes, I guess I should get on that, huh? I would like to buy a couple of things before-hand but may just have to work with what I’ve already got.

Also, I will have a giveaway this week for my sponsor Announcements Galore so please come back (THURSDAY) to enter. They have been gracious enough to sponsor my registration for the conference and and I thank them SO much for that!


The house is coming along nicely (except for the oven issue) and I thought I’d share a few pics of the rooms where we spend most of our time – the kitchen/breakfast area and the living room. Keep in mind that we are renting so we cannot paint and although the entire house is painted a lovely khaki color, I would still change a few of the room colors is if I could. Like the kitchen. But it still looks nice.

I love those windows over the sink. They look out onto the driveway and many trees that are wonderful for bird watching!

This breakfast area (and our lone dining area) is SO much bigger than our old one and I love the windows here too.

This is looking into the massive living room from the front doors. This is the t.v. watching area. Oh and some blogging might go on while I’m sitting on that couch.

This is the toy/play area that is to the left and behind the tv watching area. I’m thinking of getting some carpet tiles for this area since the whole room is ceramic tile. Anyone have them and like them?

This is the back wall of that same room (notice one of end of huge train track the boys play with). We put our other sofa there because although it would have fit in our bedroom, it did NOT fit through the hallway TO the bedroom. It seems to work fine in here though.

The space in this house is seriously awesome. The outside leaves a little to be desired so no pic of that at this point and besides, it’s too “dern” hot to be out there right now anyway!

Lastly, thank you SO MUCH for your comments on this post the other day. You really are an amazing community and I’m so glad I am able to bring you all with me, even when I move!

The hubs starts his new “gig” today so life will start to be more normal and routine and that is really when I thrive. So even though he’s gone again all day for work, at least he comes home every night instead of being in a different city for most of them. YAY!

Okay, think I’m done jumping around today. I’ve got LOADS of laundry to do so I’m off…


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