I don’t really have a soap box about socks to get on today or anything like that. So pardon me while I ramble a little, will ya? Are y’all along for the ride? If so I got some chocolate to disburse since I can’t eat any of it myself. See, I had a weak moment and bought some dark chocolate peanut M&M’s cause she said they were making them now. And yes they are in the drawer in the kitchen just a about 10 feet away. But I don’t want any. NO, not me. So help yourself…
Anyway, where was I?
Oh yeah, I saw Shawn Johnson on the David Letterman show and he asked her about the whole are-these-chinese-girls-really-old-enough thing and she was very sweet and diplomatic about it. Good for her because if I found out that they were under age and I were her I would be totally P.O.ed. Just sayin’. Also, she’s just the cutest thing.
The hubs is out of town again this week and it’s pretty much an every-other-week thing now. At first it was a little crazy but now we are kind of getting used to it, him being gone that is. And I don’t mean that in a bad way, I just mean that I guess I’ve figured out that I really can handle 2 boys on my own. Not that I EVER want to have to figure out how that would work full time but at the same time I am proud that I can do it. But all that being said, I cannot wait to see my man again on Thursday…
I got sat on over the weekend. Random, huh? Yeah, while a friend and I waited in the lobby for some more of our friends at a crowded lunch spot on Sunday this woman walked up to us where we were sitting and said, “You girls is gonna have to move over so I can sit down.” (or something really close to that, with bad English and all.) And when I didn’t move over QUITE far enough for her needs, she sat on me and then didn’t even thank me. I really cannot believe how rude some people are these days. I proceeded to get up since I then felt just a wee bit claustrophobic.
Tim and I had date night last Saturday and it was very nice. It consisted of dinner out, just the two of us and then we went to see the latest Batman movie. I didn’t get to sleep until around 1:30. And then I got to sleep until almost 9 a.m. I do not remember the last time I slept until that time. God bless my boys for sleeping in playing amongst themselves!
On Sunday I had the most delicious bagel I have had in a while my lifetime. And here comes confession time for various reasons. Several months ago I had an entire post about the closing of my VERY favorite pancake place and how it was being replaced with some new eatery. I was NOT happy. Well, that all changed on Sunday. The new place is Panera Bread and although the Cinnamon Crunch bagel is not on my “diet” I had to have one. I am also a sucker for anything cinnamon and bread-like and sweet. I know, there’s no help for me. Now you know why I can’t have any of those peanut M&M’s. Oh and why I can’t lose any weight. My will power is shot. Seriously, it’s needs some major CPR.
Lastly, I have taught Little G some baby sign language and he’s actually using it. Unfortunately he seems to think that the sign for “milk” is actually for anything to drink so I still have to guess what he actually wants in his sippy cup. But, he’s also learned the sign for “more” and the one for “eat” so these have been quite helpful. Now if he would just use some words we’d be golden.
Ok, I guess that’s enough rambling for today… Y’all be good!
I personally love random posts! They are the best!
Some lady sat on you? I just about died laughing. And yes, um rude. Good Grief. I am proud of you for not telling her off. Seriously!
Yea, for the G man and sign language. It truly is helpful don’t you think??
Now go eat those M & M’s so that I don’t have to!
Oh. My. Word. You were sat on and you didn’t even get a lousy t-shirt. What’s that all about?
Hey…might be in your neck o the woods in a couple of weeks…I’ll email you and maybe we can do some lunch!
I can’t belive a lady sat on you!! How rude of her to just “demand” that you move, and then to sit on you afterwards … gee, I hope you weren’t injured … could be a lawsuit in the making, LOL!
I know what you mean about feeling proud of going it alone when your hubby is away. There’s quite a neat feeling when you’re in control and realise you CAN do it. But agree totally that it wouldn’t be worth entertaining the thought of doing that ALL the time!
Seriously, the being sat on is freaky! OMG. It wasn’t like you were on a subway or city bus…!
The dark chocolate peanut M&Ms should really help.
I love random posts because my thoughts are usually so random too. hehe
I can’t believe that woman sat on you! Sheesh!!!
Okay, Elaine…you must.stop.talking.about.food!
To a preggo woman it’s torture. All I read was M&Ms and crunchy bagel…that’s not right!
honey just wait till october at panera. they do this special bagel for breast cancer awareness month – it’s beyond delish!!
Wow, sleeping until 9:30? THAT is awesome! My DH may start traveling a couple of days a week soon…I may have to pick your brain for how you handle it…I’m terrified!
She sat on you?! My goodness Texas is a very big place, surely she could have found something for her intrusive behind!
Sign language is pretty neat isn’t it?!
I love love LOVE Panera Bread! Sooo yummy. Their sandwiches are so good, too. Yum.
And I can’t believe that woman sat on you?! That is weird, creepy and rude! You should have had your friend take a pic to put on your blog…lol!
HI Elaine Just stopping by to say Hello.. My computer is working again so I can do that now.. YEAH
Sat on you? There’s something really wrong in that. Good grief. I would’ve said something about her big butt.
That lady sitting on you is a funny story – I’d have loved to have been across the way and seen your face – Ha!
Take care – Kellan
Sat on YOU? Do you see the exclamation point over my head?
She actually sat on you and couldn’t even say thank you? Wow. Some people.
Mmm, drooling over the cinnamon bagel!
And Kamden wasn’t talking at all by 18 mons and we did the sign language… he totally started talking. It’s like it never occurred to him before that he could tell us what he wanted. Once he clicked that he could sign what he wanted he started verbalizing really quickly after that!
Hey, did you get my email?
I love seeing the word “y’all.” Makes me homesick.
So… I ate some of those M&Ms for you… Umm… and I totally love Panera… and… My hubs is going out of town (again) in two weeks, as well. We can sulk together. Or heck…we can party…whatever works!
Jibber Jabber is fun!
i love that someone sat on you… really you have to wonder about people in this world…
Rambling posts are the best.
I really like Shawn, she seems like a very sweet and put together girl. I too saw the interview.
As for the sign language, my Fifi still uses many signs and it has really helped us. I wish I had done it with the other two.
I love Panera Bread. That place is delicious! I’m so jealous you got a date night. And, good for you to adjusting to the new schedule with hubby out of town. I feel like a single parent most of the time, and I can handle it for a while but those days hubby can help out, I’m so relieved! I couldn’t do it full time.
LOTS of random!
I love Shawn Johnson too – she’s my fav. I’m so glad she finally won a gold.
I was on my own for two night last week…so I really appreciate you single parenting for a week at a time. Wow!
I’ve actually never eaten at Panera…guess I should try it, huh?