Yesterday was a less than stellar day. I spent the majority of it wallowing in self pity and laying on some soft-ish surface in the house.
It wasn’t one of my better days. Probably one of the worst actually.
It started out with the boys collectively behaving THE worst they have EVER behaved in church this morning. See, the Find a New Church in the New Town Tour continues (there are A LOT of Catholic churches here) and I’m kinda surprised this one didn’t kick us out. Maybe because I did it first. After communion I motioned to Tim (who had been in the back with Little G for the elventy-billionth time) and we headed out before the final blessing. We NEVER do that, but we’d had it up to here {picture me motioning to the top of my and Tim’s foreheads…}!!
I guess the idea that we even have to find a new church got to me, reminded me of all the other new things I’m having to find these days and basically sent me into a day of depression.
Meanwhile my wonderful husband took care of the boys, cleaned up his office, got rid of the rest of the empty boxes (via craigslist), cooked dinner and let me wallow as I wished.
I did make it out to Babies R Us to take my mind off of the dreaded “we’ve moved and it sucks” subject and put it back on “I’m Having a Baby Girl!!” and registered for a few things. Some friends back ‘home’ are having a shower for me in a few weeks and I figured I’d better let them see what we need. I think I gave a pretty clear message with all the pink and purple things I scanned.
But I didn’t actually smile yesterday (I don’t think) until I got back online and remembered my friends here. I was reminded of my upcoming trip to BlogHer, that there are several moms out there in twitterland with their oldest child starting Kindergarten soon, like me, and that well, my friends on the “interwebby/twiterscape” (as the hubs and I like to refer to it) are rockin’. No, it’s not a replacement for my IRL friends but it’s certainly a community I’ve come to depend on in many ways.
So, thanks for making me smile, as usual. And to my InRealLife friends reading… expect more phone calls and emails from me until we get more settled. I miss y’all bunches…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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